IUDD Lectures

The IUDD lectures introduce different perspectives on integrated urban development in the sense of multi-disciplinary planning approaches with a closer look on their implementation. Creative strategies and selected examples of “good practice” are brought together as an academic and application-oriented reflection of subjects like resource oriented development, new mobility, environment, energy and sanitation. The lectures are all presented in English language.

Cities Fit for Climate Change

FRI 08.02.2019
13:00 -14:30
Dr. Daphne Frank Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

“Instruments for integrated, climate-sensitive urban development are to facilitate the creation of a climate-proof urban development model that fosters new urban design. Climate-proofing means that city development strategies, urban designs, land use and master plans, and all related investments are resilient and adaptable to the current and future impacts of climate change. Furthermore, they must take climate change mitigation considerations into account.

The project supports innovative solutions for urban planning and makes cities fit for climate change. The intention is to make tackling climate change an integrated and strategic element of urban development. Plans, programmes and strategies and the associated investments are being made more resilient and adaptable to current and future impacts of climate change.

The project analyses and works on existing concepts for resilient and low-emission urban development. The selected cities – Chennai in India, Santiago in Chile and Durban (eThekwini) in South Africa – are supported in developing their climate-sensitive strategies and their own sources of financing. The partners present their experiences in this regard at international events and debates.”

Source (and further information): https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/43392.html

Transport Policy in Greater London

MON 28.01.2019
18:00 -19:30

FH Erfurt  (University of Applied Science), Raum 5.E.09, Altonaer Str. 25, Erfurt
Prof. Jon Shaw

The lecture on  28.01.2019 „Transport Policy in Greater London“ by Prof. Jon Shaw (University of Plymouth) takes place at the University of Applied Science FH Erfurt **

** Guest Lectures International Case Studies, Chair of Transport System Planning, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in cooperation with FH Erfurt, Chair of Transport politics and spatial planning   

Cities Fit for Climate Change

MON 21.01.2019
17:00 -18:30
Dr. Daphne Frank

Today's IUDD Lecture announced for 17:00 will be postponed to Friday, 8. February, 13:00 - 14:30 at Audimax.

Integrated water systems for sustainable urban development

MON 03.12.2018
17:00 -18:30
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Londong

Water is an essential asset for urban life and urban development. 

Citizens relay on save drinking water supply, reliable wastewater discharge and storm water management. Therefore the water infrastructure is an integral part of a city and has to be considered in early stages of urban planning.

The lecture will deal with the management options for storm water in its first part illustrated with good and bad examples. In a second part options for the management of wastewater will be addressed. New alternative sanitation concepts will be presented. The example of a system with a separation of grey- and blackwater in Hamburg Jenfelder Au will be explained in detail. It is a collection and treatment system, which aims at the recycling of nutrients and energy from toilet water (blackwater) and using greywater to feed a water lacking urban creek. Finally an outlook will demonstrate that some more projects are on their way in Europe.

Ethiopian Culture Night

WED 28.11.2018, 
Projekt Eins, Weimar 

Don’t forget: seat early enough!

Enjoy presentations, dance styles, food and coffee from Ethiopia

The unofficial warm-up for the 2019 IUDD Study Project

Resource Landscapes in a regional perspective

MON 26.11.2018, 
15:15 - 16:45
Dr. Wolfgang Wackerl, Büro für Stadtplanung und strategische Projektentwicklung Köln

In his lecture, Dr. Wolfgang Wackerl gives an insight, how contemporary landscapes could play a new role in providing resources (food, water, energy, materials…) for urban regions. This creates not only new challenges, but also unique design options by getting involved in running processes of production. Dr. Wolfgang Wackerl shows a variety of projects having developed their own signature out of this: landfill sites, agricultural landscapes and open-cast lignite mines transferred into designed future landscapes with new perspectives.

Dr. Wolfgang Wackerl is specialised in strategic project development of active resource sites and landscapes. In this context he has particular experience in regional development strategies – like the NRW Programme for Structural Development “REGIONALE”.




Basel on it's way towards the 2000-Watt-Society.

MON 19.11.2018,
17:00 - 19:30
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter D. Genske

The 2000-Watt-Society is a concept that has been developed at the ETH-Zurich. It aims at reducing energy demand in economically advanced countries while promoting development in low-income countries. During this process, fossil energy is replaced with green energy. The City of Basel is one of the first towns to implement the 2000-Watt-Society in their planning and development.
In his lecture, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter D. Genske who developed and participated in several projects related to environmental challenges and urban development will present the concept, implementation and current status of the 2000-Watt Society.
Among others, Dieter Genske conducted the study „Basel auf dem Weg zur 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft.“ (Berger T, DD Genske, L Hüsler, T Joedecke, A Menn & A Ruff; 2011) commissioned and published through Basel Kanton Basel-Stadt, Amt für Umwelt und Energie (AUE) and has also been editor and main contributer of the „Energy Atlas, Future Concept Renewable Wilhelmsburg” for the IBA Hamburg (ISBN 978-3-86859-074-6).
Having a background as geologist and civil engineer Dieter Genske is a professor at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences in the fields of geotechnics and energy-related ecological urban transformation. He has also been a professor of TU Delft, EPF Lausanne and ETH Zürich and recently a guest professor at the University of Liechtenstein. Find more details about projects and the profile of Dieter Genske here:

Re-Planning Eden: Small City Innovations, Taupefields, Ecologies

WED 07.11.2018, 
ifex green.house
Prof. Colin M. Cathcart AIA NCARB
Fordham University New York
Kiss + Cathcart, Architects, Brooklyn

Colin Cathcart is an Associate Professor of Architecture at the Fordham University programme of Urban Studies in New York City with a specialisation on sustainable development in Architecture, Environmental Design, and Urbanism. His fields of research and practice are covering subjects like brownfield revitalization, zero waste and energy efficiency. Cathcart holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies from University of Waterloo (1978) and a Master of Architecture from Columbia University (1983) and is partner of Kiss + Cathcart Architects in Brooklyn, New York with a main focus on integrated systems and productive architecture.

Traffic Calming and Participatory Planning

MON 05.11.2018,
17:00 - 19:30
Dipl. -Ing. Herbert Bork

In his lecture Herbert Bork will talk about his experience in mediating urban planning processes that are mitigating and negotiating between multiple stakeholders. With the focus on changing and adapting urban infrastructure in favour of pedestrianisation projects or street closure he will report on his professional experience on traffic calming and participatory planning from examples in Vienna.