Project 1: Experience Optimization Vividly with Self-built Robots

Prof. Tom Lahmer (Chair of Optimization and Stochastics) & Jun.-Prof. Lars Abrahamczyk, Melad Haweyou (Chair of Advanced Structures)

With modern means of mathematical optimization, we can improve the performance of any type of system or structure, e.g. to properly withstand impacts of different type. To learn, proper understand and apply different optimization techniques, this hands-on course is coupled with aspects of robotics. Students will learn the theory and application of optimization techniques; the programming basics to instruct a car for self-driving; to apply their new knowledge to implement optimization algorithms within the programming instructions of the self-driving vehicle. At the end of the course, each team has to perform a reconnaissance task using the optimization technique considered most appropriate to find a highest point within a certain area. To do so, we will use a 2D floor projection to present different landscapes. Each landscape will have an associated elevation matrix given to the teams for the vehicles’ recognition at the moment of the competition. In addition, modular wood pieces are used to prepare a simple physical landscape within a 4 x 4 meters area.