"Zusammen forscht man weniger allein." Here a selection of networks not only for young scientists, artist and designers:
The International PhD Network was established as a joint project of the Bauhaus Research School and the International Office in order to support the integration of the international and German doctoral candidates both with the university structures and the social life in Weimar.
Since 2021, the elected doctoral candidate's representation worked its way into the many topics of university's politics and established the Pro.Doc in a wide variety of committees at the university. If you want to actively support the interests of doctoral candidates or if you want to get in touch with us to discuss your concerns or worries, please contact the ProDoc members.
> Bauhaus Network of Generations and Alumni Portal
The International Bauhaus Network of Generations is a worldwide, interdisciplinary, lifelong network of all the current and former members, partners and supporters of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. An integral part of this network is the continually expanding group of alumni, now totalling 4,300 and spanning more than 70 countries around the world.
> Weimar International Network
The Weimar International Network (WIN) is a project, organised in cooperation with the International Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Studentenwerk Thüringen and the Bauhaus Internationals, who are a branch of the StuKo. This comprehensive Internet platform allows us to inform and bring together interculturally-minded students and citizens in Germany and abroad.
> Verbund Mitteldeutscher Promovierendenvertretungen (VMPV)
The Ph.D. councils of the universities in Dresden, Leipzig, Freiberg, Jena, Weimar, Erfurt and Ilmenau have joined their forces to form the VMPV and are committed to the interests of doctoral candidates in "Mitteldeutschland".
> Bauhaus4EU Alliance - For a Better Future
BAUHAUS4EU is a consortium of ten European higher education institutions collaborating closely in various innovative cooperation formats and channels shaping the future of teaching, learning, research and innovation. Doctoral candidates have the opportunity to network in the Alliance's PhD Council and at various events. Contact person: Dr. Franziska Matthes (franziska.matthes[at]uni-weimar.de).
In addition, there are other possibilities to build networks and to inform yourself:
KISSWIN (Information and Consulting for Academic Careers) offers newsgroups and a community platform for young researchers since 2008.
ResearchGate is a social networking site for scientists from all disciplines. It provides tools to facilitate scientific collaboration on a global scale - for the search for topics, colleagues, methods, articles and more.
The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband, in short DHV) represents more than 25.000 members. It provides comprehensive information and services for university professors and up-and-coming academics in Germany.
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