On 23 June 2022 the 8th Long Night of Academic Writing presented under the motto »writing for future« workshops, talks, readings and exhibitions discussing strategies for more sustainable research, writing and publishing, tinkering with ideas for a more ecological library and demonstrating how research supports the shift towards a society that thinks and acts sustainably. We would like to thank all participants, the entire team and our guests for the wonderful and imaginative evening! We will soon show impressions from the Long Night here.
»Komm nach Pantopia. Hier sind alle willkommen!« | Reading and conversation with Theresa Hannig | starting at 6.00 p.m. | Audimax | free entry
moderated by Dr. Katrin Richter
Theresa Hannig will read from her utopian novel »Pantopia«, a world republic without nation states and with universal enforcement of human rights, published by FISCHER Tor in 2022.
Theresa Hannig studied political science and worked as a software developer and lighting designer before turning to writing full-time. In her stories, she addresses the interactions between technological progress and social change. In the field of tension between threatening and desirable developments, she asks: How do we want to live in the future?
»Stell Dir vor: eine Reise in die klimagerechte Zukunft« | Writing workshop with Stefanie Rückert | startig at 8 p.m. | Lounge | free of charge
A writing workshop with a positive view of a climate-friendly future for people who are aware of the explosive nature of climate change and who have also already taken some steps on the path towards sustainability.
As a tinkerer, researcher, podcaster and course leader, Stefanie Rückert is committed to a sustainable and loving approach to the world, animals and ourselves.
For the Long Night of Academic Writing, she will write stories with like-minded people about everyday life in a climate-friendly future. Together they will create positive images of the future - there are already enough negative ones!
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
Let's move with selavie (queerbeat) from M18 Tonraum.
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