Dr. Daniel O'Brien

Daniel O'Brien has been a research and teaching assistant at the Chair of Innovation Management and Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar since April 2023. In this role, he primarily supports project-based teaching at the department. His research interests in media management are focused on the digitalization of media and its consequences, media usage and technology acceptance (media and technology user behavior), as well as quantitative empirical methods of social research. He also applies machine learning methods in his research.

At the same time, since January 2022, he has been working as a research associate at the Schmalenbach Institute for Business Studies at TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences), focusing on media-specific topics. In November 2022, he successfully completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne, with a dissertation on "The Digital Transformation of the News Media Business - Paid Content and Entrepreneurship in Digital Journalism" (Dr. rer. pol.). During his doctoral studies, he was employed at the Professorship of Media and Technology Management at the University of Cologne from December 2018 to November 2021. 

Prior to his doctoral studies, Daniel O'Brien completed a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy & Political Science (University of Münster), a Master's degree in Cognitive Science (Ruhr-University Bochum), and another Bachelor's degree in Film Directing (International Film School Cologne/ Cologne University of Applied Sciences). His diverse academic background has led to a wide range of research interests and a passion for interdisciplinary approaches. In addition to his academic work, these interests have also led him to jobs in media companies, teaching positions in the media and film industry, as well as freelance work for public institutions and companies. He continues to work as a freelance author and spends every free moment searching for the right image or word.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

O’Brien, D., & Kunz, R.E. (2024): Will they stay or will they go? Application of machine learning classifiers of purchase and churn prediction to a digital journalistic platform, in: Journal of Media Business Studies. Online: doi.org/10.1080/16522354.2024.2444075

Zabel, C., O’Brien, D., & Natzel, J. (2023). Sensing the Metaverse: The microfoundations of complementor firms’ dynamic sensing capabilities in emerging-technology ecosystems. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 192, 122562. doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122562

O’Brien, D. (2022). Free lunch for all? – A path analysis on free mentality, paying intent and media budget for digital journalism. Journal of Media Economics, 34(1), 29–61. doi.org/10.1080/08997764.2022.2060241

O’Brien, D., & Wellbrock, C.-M. (2021). How the trick is done – Conditions of success in entrepreneurial digital journalism. Digital Journalism (Special Issue: The Business of Journalism, online first). doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2021.1987947

O’Brien, D., Wellbrock, C. M., & Kleer, N. (2020). Content for free? Drivers of past payment, paying intent and willingness to pay for digital journalism – A systematic literature review. Digital Journalism, 8(5), 643–672. doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2020.1770112

Other Publications

Zabel, Christian; Heisenberg, Gernot; O'Brien, Daniel (2022): Extended/Cross Reality (XR) in Germany 2022 : Metaverse, Digital Ecosystems & Development of the XR Sector. Köln: TH Köln. doi.org/10.57683/EPUB-2118

O’Brien, D., Wellbrock, C.-M. & C. Buschow (2020): Bestandsaufnahme: Stand der Forschung zur Zahlungsbereitschaft für digitalen Journalismus, in: Wellbrock, C.-M. & C. Buschow (Hrsg.): Money for Nothing and Content for Free? Paid Content, Plattformen und Zahlungsbereitschaft im digitalen Journalismus, Nomos.

O’Brien, D., Wellbrock, C.-M. & C. Buschow (2020): „Free or Nothing“ – Gratis-Mentalität im Internet und Zahlungsbereitschaft für Digitaljournalismus, in: Wellbrock, C.-M. & C. Buschow (Hrsg.): Money for Nothing and Content for Free? Paid Content, Plattformen und Zahlungsbereitschaft im digitalen Journalismus, Nomos.

O’Brien, D. (2019): Quo vadis, Paid Content?, in: Timo Busch (Verl.): Das Meedia Jahrbuch 2019.