Welcome to the Websites of the Chair of »Innovation Management and Media«

Media stand for creativity, communication, and innovation. Digital technologies enable and support novel ways of usage and engagement and also drive business model dynamics in the media industry as well as the adjacent entertainment, information technology, and telecommunication industries. These characteristics inspire the research and teaching of our team at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
The focus of our research and teaching in media management is on an innovation perspective and includes new insights for students, users, enterprises, organizations, and other actors in the media industry and beyond. We explicitly follow a behavioral science approach and aim at explaining and predicting individual and organizational behavior.
We deal with current scientific topics and practice-oriented questions relevant for research, management, and the society. Our research focuses primarily on business model dynamics, entertainment science, media and technology user behavior and engagement, as well as proactive decision making.
Our teaching is directed to students of media management, media culture (media studies and economics), as well as all other students with an interest in business and management directed to media and innovation.
We are part of the Department of Media Management at the Faculty of Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Please contact us by email or phone or come and visit us in person at Albrecht-Dürer-Str. 2, 99425 Weimar, Germany.
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