Prof. Dr. Mark Jentsch and team

Energy Systems at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


The research area in Energy Systems was established at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in May 2012. Since October 2019 the chair in Energy Systems is an endowed professorship financed by the following sponsors:

  • Kyros Hydrogen Solutions GmbH,
  • Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digital Society (TMWWDG),
  • Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
  • Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen (STIFT).

Research and Teaching Profile

The supply of energy and the associated energy infrastructures are essential to keep the urban environment 'alive' and as such are an integral part of engineering considerations. Energy Systems research and education within the Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solutions ( considers core areas of energy provision and consumption with a particular focus on the current transition of the energy supply system towards a more sustainable structure. This includes work on renewable energy generation, hydrogen based energy infrastructure solutions and energy efficiency as well as the implications of a changing climate on the urban environment and its infrastructure.

→ more information on the research in Energy Systems

→ more information on the teaching in Energy Systems

Knowledge Base

The research and education in the field of Energy Systems is centered on fundamental and applied questions in sustainable energy infrastructure, urbanism and construction. The knowledge base of the group includes:

  • hydrogen and renewable energy systems as part of the transition of the energy supply system,
  • urban energy analyses and climate change impact assessments,
  • the generation of weather data series for energy system modelling,
  • energy efficient buildings and infrastructures,
  • the development of teaching programmes with respect to energy and sustainability issues.

International Collaboration

The area of Energy Systems at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar holds close contact with international researchers. For example, contacts exist to the Departamento de Ingeniería de Obras Civiles at the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco, Chile where Dr.-Ing. Aner Martinez Soto who passed his PhD in Urban Energy Systems at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar holds a lecturing position. This collaboration spans all fields of energy systems in the urban environment and builds on Dr. Martinez Soto's PhD work. Further contacts exist to the Sustainable Energy Research Group at the University of Southampton, where Prof. Dr. Jentsch is a visitor.

The team furthermore has had a collaborative project with the Department of Engineering Services within the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement (MoWHS) in Thimphu, Bhutan. This joint research work was aimed at investigating the energy performance of the Bhutanese building stock as well as at developing solutions for improving construction quality, specifically looking at options for sustainable thermal insulation of buildings in Bhutan.

→ more information on the collaborative research work with the Bhutanese partners

Activities of the Team

Events - The Energy Systems team regularly organises workshops and specialist events and presents its research results at conferences.

Teaching - In addition to teaching in the lecture theatre, we organise excursions with the students, train presentation techniques, conduct workshops and do experimental work with them.

Research work - Our research work is practice-oriented and usually carried out in collaboration with partners from industry.

→ current news items of the team

Publication Highlights

Most cited paper - Jentsch MF, Bahaj AS, James PAB, Climate change future proofing of buildings – Generation and assessment of building simulation weather files, Energy and Buildings, 40 (12) (2008) 2148-2168.

→ Google Scholar Citation Analysis

Most recent paper - Büttner S, Sauerstoffversorgung der Belebung mittels Wasserelektrolyse, wwt modernisierungsreport 2022/23, 37-43.

→ publications

Current Research Projects

h2-well - Hydrogen Source and Value Added Region Main-Elbe-LINK
Role: principal investigator
Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
→ more information

energy4CHP - CO2-neutral energy supply in energy-intensive commercial enterprises - hydrogen-based sector integration in the provision of heat and electricity
Role: Project management, sub-project processing
Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
→ more information

Pho2zon - Electrolysis oxygen for use in wastewater treatment - Elimination of micropollutants via ozonation and photocatalysis
Role: Project management, processing subproject
Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
→ more information

WiThStand - Heat transition in Thuringia - Safe technical adaptation & decarbonization of heating systems
RoleProject management, processing sub-project
Funding body: Free State of Thuringia
→ more information