
News regarding the Group

In the following information is provided on key events, new grants and other news related to the work of the team in Energy Systems.

Publication Highlights

Most cited paper - Jentsch MF, Bahaj AS, James PAB, Climate change future proofing of buildings – Generation and assessment of building simulation weather files, Energy and Buildings, 40 (12) (2008)

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Most recent paper - Büttner S, Sauerstoffversorgung der Belebung mittels Wasserelektrolyse, wwt modernisierungsreport 2022/23, 37-43.

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Current Research Projects

h2-well - Hydrogen Source and Value Added Region Main-Elbe-LINK
Role: principal investigator
Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
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energy4CHP - CO2-neutral energy supply in energy-intensive commercial enterprises - hydrogen-based sector integration in the provision of heat and electricity
Role: Project management, sub-project processing
Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
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Pho2zon - Electrolysis oxygen for use in wastewater treatment - Elimination of micropollutants via ozonation and photocatalysis
Role: Project management, processing subproject
Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
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WiThStand - Heat transition in Thuringia - Safe technical adaptation & decarbonization of heating systems
Role: Project management, processing sub-project
Funding body: Free State of Thuringia
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