• Bauhaus-Uni, Professur DEiB | (c) Matthias Eckert, 2024
    Bauhaus-Uni, Professur DEiB | (c) Matthias Eckert, 2024


08 August 2024 Chair excursion

At the end of the summer semester, the Chair of Data Science in Civil Engineering met for a bike tour around Weimar. Among other things, we followed in the footsteps of Lyonel Feininger, visited the orangery of Belvedere Castle and discovered the first human in Ehringsdorf.

08.08.2024 - DEiB-Programmierwettbewerb

Zum Ende des Sommersemesters 2024 veranstaltet die Professur Data Engineering im Bauwesen erneut den "DEiB-Programmierwettbewerb" für Bauinformatik-Nachwuchstalente, diesmal zum Thema "Kostenkalkulation für Baumaschinen", bei dem die Belegarbeit um interessante Funktionalitäten erweitert werden kann. Der Kreativität sind dabei keine Grenzen gesetzt! Möglich wäre zum Beispiel eine Modifikation hinsichtlich

  • Speicherung von Ergebnissen als Text-Datei,
  • Erweiterung um weitere Berechnungen/Klassen oder
  • Integration von JavaDocKommentaren oder eine graphische Menüführung/Ergebnisausgabe.

Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Studierenden, die im aktuellen Sommersemester den Beleg „Informatik für Ingenieure, Teil 1“ erfolgreich bearbeitet haben. Es sind Gruppen von 1-2 Studierenden zulässig. Es winken nicht nur Ruhm und Ehre, sondern auch Büchergutscheine oder Sachpreise. Einsendeschluss ist der 08. August 2024. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

12 July 2024 – Science Mile Q3 as part of the summaery

Our chair is presenting two research projects as part of the science mile Q3 of the summaery 2024 at the Coudraystaße.

Structural control with tuned liquid column dampers Flüssigkeitsdämpfer
Structural control with tuned liquid column dampers
Robotic 3D concrete printing
Robotic 3D concrete printing

01 May 2024 - New employee at the chair

Oguz Oztoprak
Oguz Oztoprak

We welcome Oguz Oztoprak as a new scientific staff member.

Mr. Oztoprak will support the professorship in the DFG Transregio 277 'Additive Manufacturing in Construction' and will work on project C01.

Welcome to the team!

15 April 2024 - New employee at the chair

Philipp Kopp [Portrait]
Dr. Philipp Kopp

We welcome Dr. Philipp Kopp as a new scientific staff member.

Mr Kopp received his doctorate in engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and will support the professorship in research and teaching.

We are very pleased that we have been able to recruit him for our team.



08 April 2024 - Course "Engineering Informatics" ("Informatik für Ingenieure") starts

On 08 April 2024 11.00 a.m. the course "Engineering Informatics" ("Informatik für Ingenieure") starts with the first lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan Kollmannsberger in lecture hall B, Marienstr. 13c in presence.

The moodle course is:
"Informatik für Ingenieure - Vorlesung SoSe2024" .

01 March 2024 - New appointment to the Chair of Data Science in Engineering (former Chair of Computing in Civil Engineering)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kollmannsberger
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kollmannsberger

We would like to welcome Prof. Dr. Stefan Kollmannsberger at the Chair of Data Sciene in Engineering and are looking forward to working with him.

29 February 2024 - Thanks to Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst for the interim management of the Chair of Computing in Civil Engineering

Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst
Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst

We would like to sincerely thank Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst for interim management and his work at the chair.

02/29/2024 - Additional exam "Engineering Informatics"

Additional exam "Engineering Informatics":
02/29/24, 9:00am - noon, in lecture hall 3, Coudraystr. 13b

16.10.2023 – Preisverleihung IiB-Programmierwettbewerb

Wir beglückwünschen Stella Becker als Preisträgerin des diesjährigen „IiB-Programmierwettbewerb“ für Bauinformatik-Nachwuchstalente zum Thema „Kostenermittlung von Bauteilen“.

Stella Becker hat die Belegausarbeitung aus dem Sommersemester 2023 durch eine graphische Nutzeroberfläche erweitert. Diese ermöglicht es den Nutzern, sowohl einzelne Bauteile als auch gesamte Bauteiltabellen einzuladen. Die Ausarbeitung überzeugt neben der intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit der Erstellung einer graphischen Nutzeroberfläche durch funktionale Erweiterungen der Belegaufgabenstellung. Die Einreichung wurde mit einem Gutschein über 100€ prämiert.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch und viel Erfolg im weiteren Studium.

10.10.2023 - Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung "Geometrische Modellierung und technische Darstellung"

apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Reinhard Illge
apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Reinhard Illge
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Koch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Koch

Wir begrüßen das erste Semester in den Bachelor-Studiengängen Bauingenieurwesen, Umweltingenieurwissenschaften und Management [Bau Immobilien Infrastruktur].

Am Dienstag, dem 10.10.2023 um 11:00 Uhr beginnt die Lehrveranstaltung "Geometrische Modellierung und technische Darstellung" [BISON-Link].

Die Vorlesung wird gehalten durch apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Reinhard Illge, für den Teil 'Geometrische Modellierung', und durch Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Koch, für den Teil 'Technische Darstellung - CAD'.

Die Vorlesungen finden

Die Termine und Räume der zugehörigen Übungen werden in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben.

Der Zugang zu den Unterlagen und weiterführenden Informationen ist über den moodle-Kurs
"Geometrische Modellierung und technische Darstellung WiSe2023"
möglich. Die Zugangsmodalitäten werden in der Vorlesung mitgeteilt.

23.08.2023 - IiB-Programmierwettbewerb

Auch am Ende dieses Sommersemesters veranstaltet die Professur Informatik im Bauwesen den "IiB-Programmierwettbewerb" für Bauinformatik-Nachwuchstalente, diesmal zum Thema "Kostenermittlung von Bauteilen", bei dem die Belegarbeit um interessante Funktionalitäten erweitert werden kann. Der Kreativität sind dabei keine Grenzen gesetzt! Möglich wäre zum Beispiel eine Modifikation hinsichtlich

  • Speicherung von Ergebnissen als Text-Datei,
  • Erweiterung um weitere Berechnungen/Klassen oder
  • Integration von JavaDocKommentaren oder eine graphische Menüführung/Ergebnisausgabe.

Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Studierenden, die im aktuellen Sommersemester den Beleg „Informatik für Ingenieure, Teil 1“ erfolgreich bearbeitet haben. Es sind Gruppen von 1-2 Studierenden zulässig. Es winken nicht nur Ruhm und Ehre, sondern auch Büchergutscheine oder Sachpreise. Einsendeschluss ist der 15. September 2023. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

03 April 2023 - Course "Engineering Informatics" ("Informatik für Ingenieure") starts

[Translate to English:] Mathias Artus

On 03 April 2023 11.00 a.m. the course "Engineering Informatics" ("Informatik für Ingenieure") starts with the first lecture by the lecturer Mathias Artus in lecture hall B, Marienstr. 13c in presence.

Access is possible via the moodle course
"Informatik für Ingenieure - Vorlesung SoSe2023" .

01 April 2023 - Commissary management by Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst

Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst

Since 01 April 2023, Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst has taken over the provisional management of the chair"Computer Science in Civil Engineering".

31 March 2023 - Farwell for Dr. Helga Tauscher

Dr. Helga Tauscher

Ms. Dr. Helga Tauscher ended her position as a substitute professor for the chair "Computing in Civil Engineering" on 31 March 2023 and returns to the "University of Applied Sciences - HTW Dresden".
The project "LevelOut", which she applied for and was funded by BMDV, will remain at the Bauhaus-University and will be managed by her from Dresden until its completion.
We thank her for her work at the professorship and wish Ms. Dr. Helga Tauscher all the best for her new phase of life.

01 January 2023 - New employee at the chair

Dominik Heigener

We welcome Dominik Heigener as a new scientific staff member.

Mr Heigener has been studying at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the Bachelor's program "Civil Engineering" und continued at our university with Master's studies in "Environmental engineering". His Master's  thesis is concerned with "Checking routines for building information in Open-BIM platforms". Meanwhile he had been working at the chair for many years as a student and research assistent. We are pleased to engage him as a regular employee now.

Mr Heigener works in the mFUND-project "LevelOut" and develops modelling requirements, export guidelines as well as routines to check input data and extract required information for floorplans to be supplied with map services and navigation models.

18 November 2022 - Pub Quiz "Queens of Science and Engineering" in the context of the Long Night of Sciences

How has invented Coding? And when? How many women pioneers in science and technology do I actually know? What did they research and invent? These and many more questions have been addressed with the pub quiz on 18 November in the context of the Long Night of Sciences. In the pleasant atmosphere of the cosy pub Reservebank, six teams used quizbooks and moderator's hints to recognize and get to know women scientists and engineers as well as their discoveries and inventions from the fields of technology and engineering. The three teams who placed first took home a comic and/or a card game.

The quiz was initiated and co-organized by the chair of Computing in Civil Engineering. Many thanks to the organization team, the moderation on location and the Equal Opportunity Office of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for the financial support!

Photo: Martina Mellenthin Filardo
Photo: Martina Mellenthin Filardo
Photo: Paul Debus

5 October 2022 - Courses in winter term 2022/23

For the upcoming winter term we are offering two courses around geometry and CAD.

The mandatory module "Geometrische Modellierung und technische Darstellung" (in German) will commence on Friday, 14.10.2022, with the first lecture at Marienstr. 13C, lecture hall B. We welcome the first semester in the Bachelor programs Bauingenieurwesen, Umweltingenieurwesen and Management [Bau Immobilien Infrastruktur].

The elective module "Hack your CAD models! Foundations of CAD with FreeCAD and Python" (in English) will commence on Tuesday, 18.10.2022, with the first integrated lecture in "Betonpool", Coudraystr. 13B. This interdisciplinary course, a Bauhaus.Module course, is open to all students who fulfill the requirements. The number of participants is restricted and we require an enrolement request via moodle.

13 July 2022 - CCE programming competition

As every year, the chair of Computing in Civil Engineering is calling young computing in engineering talents to participate in our programming competition. This year we asks for contributions around the topic of "Automated analysis of room data". Students who took the course "Informatik für Ingenieure" and have successfully completed the programming assignment for part 1, are eligible to submit contributions. There is not only fame and glory to gain, but you can also look forward to winning book vouchers or material prizes. The deadline for submission of entries is 31 August 2022. More information (in German) can be found here.

16 June 2022 - LevelOut Kick-off

In the BMDV-funded project "LevelOut", we study the automated retrieval of floorplans for city maps and navigation models. More information can be found in the project profile and our press release (German only).

On 16 June 2022, a public ceremony was held in Dresden's New Town Hall. The kick-off event took place in hybrid form in order to present the project and to make those involved known to the specialist public. Dr. Peter Lames, Dresdener Mayor for Finances, Personnel and Legal Affairs, held an opening speech in which he presented the demonstration object, administration center Ferdinandplatz. Afterwards, the project team then took the opportunity to take a look at the construction site and examine the Lego model of the administration building.

Platform with input and output data

01 June 2022 - New employee at the chair

Subhashini Krishnakumar

We welcome Subhashini Krishnakumar as a new scientific staff member.

Before joining our team, Ms Krishnakumar has been studying "Geodesy and Geoinformation Science" in the Master's programm at TU Berlin. In her Master's thesis she worked on the "Evaluation of 3D Modeling and Reconstruction Techniques of Indoor Scenes for their Integration with Geographic Information in Game Engines". She has successfully created a virtual 3D tour for the main building of TU Berlin with interactive elements in the Unity game engine.

With her background in geoinformatics she is a great addition to our interdisciplinary team. She will work in the mFUND-project "LevelOut" where she will develop a unified indoor model and routines to export to the various data formats for indoor maps and navigation models.

04 April 2022 - Kick-off for course "Computer Science for Engineers"

Dr.-Ing. Helga Tauscher, deputy professor, will deliver the first lecture on April 4th, 2022 at 1.30 p.m. and launch the course "Computer Science for Engineers". On Mondays, the lecture will take place online and can be accessed via moodle: "Informatik für Ingenieure - Vorlesung SoSe2022".

01 April 2022 - New substitute professor

Dr. Kristina Doycheva
Dr. Helga Tauscher

Dr.-Ing. Helga Tauscher takes up the substitute professorship for "Computing in Civil Engineering". Dr.-Ing. Kristina Doycheva, the previous chair holder, is moving to the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. We wish Dr. Kristina Doycheva all the best in her new phase of life and thank her for her work at the professorship.

01 August 2022 - New employee at the chair

Benjamin Burse

We welcome Benjamin Burse as a new scientific staff member.

Before joining our team, Mr. Burse earned a Bachelor's degree in "Media Informatics" and a Master's degree in "Computer Science for Digital Media" from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. As a result of his broad education and training, he can contribute knowledge from a variety of computer science fields to our team.

Mr. Burse's Bachelor's thesis focused on techniques for embedding watermarks in digital signals. With his Master's thesis, he studied modern microcontrollers and expanded his expertise in embedded systems. For this purpos, he examined the extent to which microcontrollers can constitute a cost-effective yet powerful alternative to well-known single-board computers.

28 February 2021 - Professor Smarsly accepts professorship at Hamburg University of Technology

Professor Smarsly will move to Hamburg University of Technology on March 1st, 2021, after more than seven years. He and his team would like to use this opportunity to thank all of their partners and participants for making the past few years so successful. A substitute professorship with the same denomination will be established on April 1st, 2021. The new institute of Professor Smarsly, with whom we will continue to collaborate closely in the future, can be found [here][Professor Smarsly will move to Hamburg University of Technology on March 1st, 2021, after more than seven years. He and his team would like to use this opportunity to thank all of their partners and participants for making the past few years so successful. A substitute professorship with the same denomination will be established on April 1st, 2021. The new institute of Professor Smarsly, with whom we will continue to collaborate closely in the future, can be found here.