

  • Holla, V, Grünewald J., Kopp P., Praegla P. M., Meier C., Wudy K., Kollmannsberger S.
    Validity of Thermal Simulation Models for Different Laser Beam Shapes in Bead-on-Plate Melting | Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation

  • Grünewald, J., Prudlik, R., Holla, V., Kopp, P., Off, R. Stoll, T., Kollmannsberger, S.,Wudy, K.
    Generating brick-like melt pools for Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion using flexible beam shaping: a proof of concept on bead-on-plate single tracks
  • De Biasi, R., Oztoprak, O., Zanini, F., Carmignato, S., Kollmannsberger, S.,
    Benedetti, M.
    Predicting fatigue life of additively manufactured lattice structures using the image-based Finite Cell Method and average strain energy density

  • Herrmann, L., Daneshyar, A., Kollmannsberger, S, 
    The discontinuous strain method: accurately representing fatique and failure

  • Singh, D. S., Herrmann, L., Sun Q., Bürchner, T., Dietrich, F., Kollmannsberger, S.,
    Accelerating Full Waveform Inversion By Transfer Learning,

  • Henkes, A., Herrmann, L., Wessels, H., Kollmannsberger, S., 
    Generative adversarial networks enable outlier detection and property monitoring for additive manufacturing of complex structures, Volume 136, Part B,

  • Herrmann, L., Sigmund, O., Muning Li, V., Kollmannsberger, S., 
    On neural networks for generating better local optima in topology optimization. Struct Multidisc Optim 67, 192 (2024)

  • Meßmer, M., Asl, R. Najian, Kollmannsberger, S., Wüchner, R., Bletzinger, K.-U.,
    Shape Optimization of embedded solids using implicit Vertex-Morphing, 
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 426

  • Faßbender, C., Bürchner, T., Kopp, P., Rank, E., Kollmannsberger, S.,
    Implicit-explicit time integration for the immersed wave equation, Computers & Mathematics with Applications Volume 163, (2024), Pages 1-13.

  • Daneshyar, A., Kollmannsberger, S.,O
    n the radial discretization in the frequency-domain SBFEM: Recovering inner-subdomain solutions, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 422 (2024) 116836.
  • Tauscher, H., Heigener, D., Krishnakumar, S., Graichen, T., Schmidt, R., Richter, J.,
    (2024). IFC Georeferencing for OSM. In: Kolbe, T.H., Donaubauer, A., Beil, C. (eds) Recent Advances in 3D Geoinformation Science. 3DGeoInfo 2023. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham.


  • Tauscher, M., Bendalla, A., & Chayeb, G., 2023. Fault Identification in Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Systems based on Fault Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik 2023. Bochum, Germany, 06. - 08.09.2023. DOI: 10.13154/294-10112.

  • Tauscher, H., Heigener, D., Graichen, T., Schmidt, R., & Richter, J. 2023. IFC Georeferencing for OSM. In: Proceedings of the 18th 3D GeoInfo Conference in Conjunction with the International Forum on Urban Digital Twins (accepted). ISPRS Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Munic, Germany.

  • Krishnakumar, S., Tauscher, H., 2023.  Floor plan extraction from digital building models. In: Proceedings of FOSSGIS 2023, Berlin, Germany, 15.-18.03.2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7576205.


  • Tauscher, H., Wong K. W., 2022. A Testbed for Applying Operationalized Graph Grammars to Sustainability Analysis in Integrated BIM-GIS Scenarios. In: Proc. of the 17th 3D GeoInfo Conference in Conjunction with 3D Cadastres. Sydney, Australia, 19.-21.10.2022. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W4-2022-147-2022.
  • Tauscher, H., 2022. Analysis and Effective Use of Inverse Relation Attributes in IFC. In: Proc. 14th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM). Trondheim, Norway, 14.-16.09.2022.
  • Tauscher, H., Krishnakumar, S., & Heigener, D., 2022. Floor plan extraction from digital building models. In: Proceedings of the Academic Track at State of the Map 2022, Florence, Italy, 19-21.08.2022, pp. 58-61. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7004633.
  • Burse, B., Doycheva, K., Aicher, A., Walther, C., 2022. Evaluation of low-cost microcontroller-based electronic systems for simple sensor node applications. In: Proceedings of the 2022 European Conference on Computing in Construction. Rhodes, Greece, 24.-26.06.2022. DOI: 10.35490/EC3.2022.191.


  • Fritz, H., Peralta, J., Legatiuk, D., Steiner, M., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2022. Fault diagnosis in structural health monitoring systems using signal processing and machine learning techniques. In: Cury, A., Ribeiro, D., Ubertini, F., Todd, M. D. (eds.). Structural health monitoring based on data science techniques. Pp. 143-164. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-81716-9_7

  • Luckey, D., Fritz, H., Legatiuk, D., Peralta, J., Walther, C., & Smarsly, K., 2022. Explainable artificial intelligence to advance structural health monitoring. In: Cury, A., Ribeiro, D., Ubertini, F., Todd, M. D. (eds.). Structural health monitoring based on data science techniques. Pp. 331-346. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, DOID: 10.1007/978-3-030-81716-9_16


  • Luckey, D., Fritz, H., Legatiuk, D., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2020. Artificial intelligence techniques for smart city applications. In: The International ICCCBE and CIB W78 Joint Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2020. Sao Paolo, Brasilien, 18.08.2020.

  • Smarsly, K., Peralta, P., Luckey, D., Heine, S., & Ludwig, H.-M., 2020. BIM-based concrete printing. In: The International ICCCBE and CIB W78 Joint Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2020. Sao Paolo, Brasilien, 18.08.2020.


  • Steiner, M., Bourinet, J.-M. & Lahmer, T., 2019. An adaptive sampling method for global sensitivity analysis based on least-squares support vector regression. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 183, S. 323-340.

  • Steiner, M., Legatiuk, D. & Smarsly, K., 2019. A support vector regression-based approach towards decentralized fault diagnosis in wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: The 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 10.09.2019.


  • Dragos, K., Steiner, M., Zabel, V. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Data-driven assessment of tuned mass dampers in tower structures. In: The 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE). Thessaloniki, Griechenland, 18.06.2018.

  • Dragos, K., Steiner, M., Zabel, V. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Monitoringgestützte Analyse von Schwingungsdämpfern in Turmbauwerken. Bautechnik, 95(6), S. 401-409.

  • Karimi, S., Mehrkian Jorshari, B., Mousazadeh, E., Steiner, M. & Dragos, K., 2018. Comparative study of experimentally tested tuned liquid column dampers. In: 30. Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, 19.09.2018

  • Steiner, M., Mirboland, M. & Theiler, M. (Hrsg.), 2018. Forum Bauinformatik 2018 - von jungen Forschenden für junge Forschende. Weimar: Professur Informatik im Bauwesen, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 19.09.2018.

  • Steiner, M., Fritz, H., Thiebes, L. & Dragos, K., 2018. Fault diagnosis in wireless structural health monitoring systems based on support vector regression. In: 30. Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, 19.09.2018.

  • Doycheva, K., Koch, C., König, M. (2018) Computer vision and deep learning for real-time pavement distress detection. Advances in Informatics and Computing in Civil and Construction Engineering, Springer, pp. 601–607


  • M. F. Badawy, M. A. Msekh, K. M. Hamdia, M. Steiner, T. Rabczuk, 2017. Hybrid nonlinear surrogate models for fracture behavior of polymeric nanocomposites using phase field model, Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (PREM), 59, S. 64 - 75.

  • Doycheva, K., Koch, C., König, M. (2017) GPU-enabled pavement distress image classification in real time. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 31(3)

  • M. Steiner, T. Lahmer, J.-M. Bourinet, 2017. Investigation of a global adaptive sampling method based on least-squares support vector regression. In: Proceedings of the GRK International Workshop, Weimar, Germany, 26.04.2017.


  • R. Khosravian, M. Steiner, C. Könke, 2016. Parametric Study on the Effects of Catenary Cables and Soil-Structure Interaction On Dynamic Behavior of Pole Structures Using the Finite Elements Method. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Methods, Berkeley, CA, USA, 01.08.2016.

  • Doycheva, K., Koch, C., König, M. (2016) Implementing Textural Features on GPUs for Improved Real-time Pavement Distress Detection. Journal of Real-time Image Processing, pp. 1-12

  • Doycheva, K., Horn, G., Koch, C. König, M., Schumann, A. (2016) Assessment and weighting of meteorological ensemble forecast members based on supervised machine learning with application to run-off simulations and flood warning. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 33, pp. 427-43

  • Doycheva, K., Koch, C., König, M. (2016) Implementing Haralick Features on GPU for Pavement Distress Detection. 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Osaka, Japan, pp. 1575-1582


  • M. Steiner, R. Khosravian and T. Lahmer, 2015. Quality of Estimated Sensitivity Indices Based on Metamodels. In: Proceedings of the 13th international Probabilistic Workshop (IPW 2015), Liverpool, UK, 04.11.2015.

  • M. Steiner, R. Khosravian and T. Lahmer, 2015. Best Use of Metamodels for Data Derived from Civil Engi-neering Applications. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 01.09.2015.

  • Koch, C., Georgieva, K., Kasireddy, V., Akinci, B., Fieguth, P. (2015) A review on computer vision based defect detection and condition assessment of concrete and asphalt civil infrastructure. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 29(2), pp. 196-210

  • Vakavchiev, V., Doycheva, K. (2015) GPU-enabled shadow removal on pavement images. Forum Bauinformatik 2015, Aachen, Germany, pp.158-165

  • Doycheva, K., Seckin, Z. (2015) Dichtebasierte Clusteranalyse zur Georeferenzierung von Strassenschäden (A density-based cluster analysis for georeferencing road pavement distress). Forum Bauinformatik 2015, Aachen, Germany, pp.166-174

  • Georgieva, K., Horn, G., Koch, C., Schumann, A., König, M. (2015) Automated assessment of members in meteorological ensemble forecasts based on supervised machine learning. Proc. of the 22nd EG-ICE International Workshop, Eindhoven, Netherlands

  • Georgieva, K., Koch, C., König, M. (2015) Wavelet transform on Multi-GPU for real-time pavement distress detection. ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Austin, USA, pp. 99-106


  • Smarsly, K., Georgieva, K., König, M. (2014) An Internet-enabled wireless multi-sensor system for continuous monitoring of landslide processes. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(6), pp. 520-529

  • Georgieva, K. (2014). Multi-GPU enabled wavelet analysis for real-time pavement distress detection. Forum Bauinformatik 2014, Darmstadt, Germany


  • Georgieva, K., Gadzhanov, P. (2013) Parameter identification for simulating debris flows using cellular automata. Forum Bauinformatik 2013, Munich, Germany, pp. 203-214


  • Georgieva, K., Smarsly, K., König, M., Law, K. H. (2012). An Autonomous Landslide Monitoring System based on Wireless Sensor Networks. ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Clearwater Beach, USA, pp.145-152

  • Smarsly, K., Georgieva, K., König, M., Law, K. H. (2012). Monitoring of Slope Movements coupling Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks and Web Services. The First International Conference on Performance-Based Life-Cycle Structural Engineering, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1096-1102


  • Hegemann, F., Georgieva, K. , Smarsly, K. (2010). Entwicklung eines Agenten-basierten hybriden Systems zur verteilten Bauwerksüberwachung (Development of an agent-based hybrid system for distributed infrastructure monitoring). Forum Bauinformatik 2010, Berlin, Germany, pp. 79-86