The newly founded »iRRE SPACE«, an exhibition space of the Fine Art Department, presents the exhibition and performance series "Material Girls". Interested parties are cordially invited to the opening on Tuesday, 18 April 2023, 7.30 p.m., and the other events.
The exhibiting students have found each other through their artistic material. In a performative series of events, Stella Dragovic, Cora Groos, Celine Loesche, Nadja Kracunovic, Aliya Sayfart and Rino Sokol will explore stone, plaster and hair.
The materials open up a playing ground not only through their external form and texture, i.e. their aesthetic qualities, but also through their abilities to remember and store. Stone, for example, survives long periods of time, plaster can store traces of processing and action, hair is the memory of our human DNA. In the context of the exhibition, the material becomes an elementary counterpart. It enables us to remember, to associate or even to linger in being with the respective object.
All of this invites action: The material, the space, the bodies – they want to be worked on, changed and used. The flexible, the fleeting and the living become clear and tangible through the performances and are deposited in the material. The physical presence of the performers is contrasted with the supposedly permanent material.
In the exhibition and the performances, the participating artists enter into dialogue with each other, show each other their familiar materials and want to examine the existing system of performance art together. You can also find current insights on the Instagram account for the exhibition at
Material Girls
Tuesday 18 April 2023, 7.30 p.m.
»Material Girls Opening« by Stella Dragovic, Cora Groos, Celine Loesche.
Thursday, 20 April
5.30 p.m.: »Code: 0«, Nadja Kracunovic
18.30 p.m.: »Das Seilspringen« (Jumping the rope), Stella Dragovic
8 p.m.: »Steinsammlung « (Stone Collection), Celine Loesche
Friday, 21 April 2023
5.30 p.m.: »Steinspuren« (Stone traces), Cora Groos and Celine Loesche
6.30 p.m.: »Wimpern aufzählen« (Counting up eyelashes), Stella Dragovic and Rino Sokol
8 p.m.: »Umarmung der Steine« (Embrace of the stones), Cora Groos
Saturday, 22 April 2023
4 p.m.: »Körperbehaarung entfernung« (Body hair removal), Stella Dragovic and Rino Sokol
7 p.m.: »Auszeit in den Bergen« (Time out in the mountains), Aliya Sayfart
8 p.m.: »Material Girls Closing«, Stella Dragovic, Cora Groos and Celine Loesche
Exhibition location:
Marienstraße 14
99423 Weimar
#irrespace #freiekunstbauhaus #klassegunstheimer #experimentalpaintinganddrawing
Exhibiting artists:
Stella Dragovic, Cora Groos, Celine Loesche, Nadja Kracunovic, Aliya Sayfart, and Rino Sokol.
iRRE SPACE is a space for art-related projects to create social interaction and was founded in the winter semester 2022/23 in the Fine Art Department at the Faculty of Art and Design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. iRRE SPACE aims to strengthen student exhibition practice in the context of contemporary art at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and to activate the local scene by presenting contemporary art in Weimar.
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