Engineers are indispensable players in the social transformation towards sustainability. The cooperation between Thuringian universities »Thuringia teaches and learns sustainability« (ThüLeNa) supports the development of relevant skills in engineering degree programs at Thuringian universities. This enables students to help shape major transformations.
ThüLeNa pursues three goals: Firstly, it aims to strengthen transformative skills. Students should understand the complexity of social change towards sustainability. Secondly, it aims to anchor integrative perspectives. Students should analyze problems holistically and develop solutions in inter- and transdisciplinary working environments. Thirdly, it aims to promote teaching innovations in engineering education. The lecturers at the participating universities are to create teaching-learning arrangements in the field of sustainability.
Educational programs for sustainable development (ESD) offer learners the opportunity to integrate interdisciplinary skills into higher education. ThüLeNa sees itself as a lever for achieving the recommendations set out by the German Rectors' Conference for anchoring sustainability in all areas of university performance as »future workshops of society«.
This goal is to be realized through four interlinked measures: Digital sustainability modules are to be developed and anchored in engineering degree courses. A certificate is to be established as a cross-university micro degree. A pool of material on basic sustainability issues is to be established. Qualification courses on education for sustainable development are to be developed in university teaching.
Students will soon be able to get involved as student assistants and in a Student Advisory Board and help shape the project.
Teachers can make their own content available to the repository as open education resources or (further) develop their own courses.
Interested course directors can help to embed the content of ThüLeNa in existing curricula and work to create space for sustainable content.
Feel free to contact the ThüLeNa team!
The network is funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation and consists of the following universities:
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