summaery2023: Projects

Secure Passwords: Beat the Entropy

Project information

submitted by
Jannis Leuther

Prof. Dr. Stefan Lucks, Nathalie Lang, Jannis Leuther


Degree programme:
Computer Science and Media (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Computer Science and Media (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Informatik (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
Research project

Sommersemester 2023

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143
    (Mediensicherheitslabor, Raum 2.33)

attractive to children

Project description

When creating passwords, one is often forced to comply with certain regulations.
A password for your Bauhaus-Universität Weimar account, for example, also requires at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letters, special characters, etc. Such passwords are very difficult to remember. And are they really more secure due to these regulations? Are there other methods to create secure passwords
that are also easy to remember?

Exhibition Location / Event Location