summaery2023: Projects

Science Mile Q3 | Good vibrations in the miniature acoustic test stand

Project information

submitted by
Albert Vogel

Hannes Jäger

Conrad Völker

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Degree programme:
Civil Engineering (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
Research project

Summer semester 2023

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Coudraystraße 13B

Project description

The workgroup acoustics of the chair of building physics deals with questions in the fields of structure-borne sound as well as building and room acoustics. The research focuses on: How do sound and vibrations propagate in buildings? How can sound propagation be simulated and calculated? How can sources of structure-borne sound (e.g. heat pumps) be characterized by measurements? Can sound waves be made visible? How can the acoustic quality of a room be optimized or can the room air temperature be measured with sound? - These and other questions are addressed and explored in research projects, courses and student theses in the acoustics group.

A research approach for the investigation of sound propagation is presented - the acoustic miniature test rig.

Exhibition Location / Event Location