Here you will find various possibilities to donate material resources or money. Particularly needed are:
Donations in kind:
German and international aid organisations:
Ukrainian aid organisations:
Donation account of the »Emergency Fund for Students and Academics from Crisis Regions« of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Freundeskreis e. V.:
Sparkasse Mittelthüringen
IBAN: DE10 8205 1000 0350 0001 07
Verwendungszweck (purpose): Notfallfonds Krisengebiete (emergency fund for crisis areas)
For donations of up to EUR 200, the bank statement, cash deposit slip, bank transfer slip or direct debit slip is sufficient proof to claim the donation on your taxes. For donations of EUR 200.01 or more, we will be happy to send you a donation receipt. Please send us an e-mail with your postal address and the subject line »Spendenbescheinigung«.
Donation account of the AWO Regionalverband Mitte-West-Thüringen e. V.:
Monetary donations via PAYPAL:
Monetary donations by bank transfer are possible at:
Payee: AWO Regionalverband Mitte-West-Thüringen e.V.
IBAN: DE92 1203 0000 9572 25
purpose: Spendenaktion Ukraine
Donation account of the city of Weimar for the support of the Ukrainian civilian population:
IBAN: DE36 8205 1000 0301 0020 29
Sparkasse Mittelthüringen
Intended purpose: Spende Ukraine
If a donation receipt is required, please include your address in the reason for payment.
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