Faculty Welcome for Master’s students Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.) and Computer Science for Digital Media (M.Sc.)
Monday, 14 October 2024, 10 a.m.
Bauhausstraße 11, Seminarraum A
Project fair of the Departement of Computer Science and Media
Monday, 14 October 2024, 5 p.m.
Steubenstraße 6, Audimax
» Information on the examination period in winter semester 2024/2025 (DE/EN)
Dates of Exams
complete exam schedule_computer science department_winter semester 2024/2025
Form »Proof of incapacity for exams due to illness [valid from July 2020]«
The Language Centre offers a series of course modules which will enable you to reach and prove your competence at B2 and C1 levels. For details of the B2 and C1 course programmes, go to:
In order to reach and prove competence at C1 level, you will need to complete the course programme as outlined on the above webpage. The Language Centre also recognizes the courses Academic English Part I and Academic English Part II, which are offered exclusively at the Faculty of Media, as components of the C1 programme (2ECTS per course).
A special placement test is offered exclusively to students of the Faculty of Media.
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