• © Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foto: Barbara Proschak


The Chair is a member of the Designed4Circularity network

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - represented by the Chair of Steel and Hybrid Structures - is part of the Designed4Circularity network. By 2050, the European Union plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero and thus become the first "continent" to become climate-neutral. Achieving this will require the sustainable use of natural resources. This is precisely what the "Designed4Circularity" network has in mind. The network's vision is to achieve a decoupling of economic growth from resource consumption through circular value creation. Over the next few years, projects will be initiated with numerous innovative companies and research institutions on the path to climate neutrality.

New research project: ProLawin

The ProLawin project is pursuing the approach of actively generating energy within the building façade using the so-called LaWin element - Large Area Fluidic Window. In the future, the element should help to generate a large proportion of the required building energy independently and locally. Experimental and numerical investigations into the material characterization of the adhesive systems to be used are to be carried out as part of the project.

Impressions from the excursion week

From May 30th to June 2nd, the excursion week of the Faculty of Civil Engineering took place, during which the Chair of Steel and Hybrid Structures also conducted excursions.

Master-Infotag am 19.04.

Was kommt nach dem Bachelor? Die Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen möchte Studierende auf ihrem Weg zum passendem Masterstudium unterstützen und ihnen das Studienangebot in Weimar sowie die Möglichkeiten eines Auslandsstudiums vorstellen.

Exkursionen im Sommersemester 2023

Das Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau bietet im Sommersemester 2023 für Studierende der Fakultät B mehrere Tages-Exkursionen im Bereich Stahl- und Holzbau vom 30.05.-02.06.23 an.

x_stahl - Foto Bernd Rudolf

Master-Projekt "X-Stahl" zu vergeben

Für das Sommersemester 2023 ist in Zusammenarbeit mit der Professur Bauformenlehre (Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik) ein Master-Projekt zur Untersuchung der statischen Machbarkeit von Designkonzepten des Projektes x.stahl zu vergeben.

Information on the courses offered, lecture dates, module descriptions, teaching materials and examination dates.


Overview of current research focuses and future projects at the Chair.


Details of our employees, contact details, e-mail addresses and office hours.
