Denomination of the professorship
at the Weimar University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (1954 - 1996) and the Bauhaus University Weimar (from 1996):
1955 Chair of Strength of Materials and Steel Construction
1966 Chair of Strength of Materials, Steel and Lightweight Construction
1968 Department of Metal Structures
1974 Department of Metal Structures
1991 Chair of Steel Structure
1992 Professorship of steel structures
2015 Chair of steel and hybrid structures
The Chair of Steel Structures was a founding member of the Institute of Structural Engineering (IKI), which was established in 1994.

1955 – 1969 Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Gustav Batereau

1969 – 1989 Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Hofmann

1989 – 2015 Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Frank Werner

ab 2015 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kraus