- Part of module "Geo- und hydrotechnical Engineering"
- Semester: 2
- Annualy in summer semester
- SWS: 3
- ECTS: 3
- Examination: Written examination 90 min
- Lecturers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Staubach and Dr.-Ing. Cristian Rodríguez
- Voluntary tutorials: Details will be provided in the lecture
- Content:
- Classification and identification of soils
- Description of soil state
- Water in the soil
- Hydraulic conductivity and seepage flow
- Distribution of vertical stress in the soil
- Stress-strain relationship
- Settlement Analysis
- Consolidation theory
- Shear strength
- Earth pressure
- Basics of Soil Dynamics (wave propagation, laboratory and field testing, soil-structure interaction under dynamic loading)
- Soil Liquifaction (phenomenon, consequences, estimation of liquefaction risk, prevention)