
address: | Coudraystrasse 11C, 99421 Weimar | |
room | 210 | |
phone: | +49 (36 43) 58 - 45 57 | |
fax: | +49 (36 43) 58 - 45 64 | |
email: | hennes.jentsch[at] |
Bodenmechanik, Erd- und Grundbau , B.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen
Geotechnik (Baugrundrisiko), B.Sc. Management [Bau Immobilien Infrastruktur]
Betreuung von Studien-, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
DGGT - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik
DWA - Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V
Mitarbeit DGGT AK 5.4 UG5 / DWA FA WW-7.5: »Filtern mit Geokunststoffen – Regeln und Anwendungen«
Field of Activity
- Internal Erosion of Soils
- Teaching and support services on the field of geotechnical engineering
Jahr | Autoren | Titel | |
| Jentsch H.: »Identifikation weitgestufter granularer Packungen« 34. Baugrundtagung, Forum für junge Geotechnik-Ingenieure, Beiträge der Spezialsitzung, Bielefeld 2016; Hrsg.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V.; S. 75-82 Winkler P.; Jentsch H.; Saheli Sadaghiani M.R.; & K.J. Witt: »Numerical investigation of the particle skeleton of widely graded soils prone to suffusion« Proceedings of the 8th.International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-8), 12.-15.09.2016, Oxford, UK, pp.149-154 Jentsch H.; Winkler P.; Saheli Sadaghiani M.R.; & K.J. Witt: »Experimental identification of the dominant fabric in widely graded soils« Proceedings of the 8th.International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-8), 12.-15.09.2016, Oxford, UK, pp.439-444
| |
2015 | Habel W.R.; Hofmann D.; Basedau F.; Krebber K.; Jentsch H.; Senze A.: »Online-detection of Slipping Soil Areas by Embedded Fiber-Optik Sensing Rods« Third Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilation of Civil Structures (SMAR 2015), 07.-09.09.2015, Antalya, Turkey | |
2014 | Jentsch H.; Saheli Sadaghiani M.R.; Winkler P. & K.J. Witt: »Experimental Investigation – Influence of the shape of the gradation curve on the soil structure« Proceedings of the 7th.International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-7), 02.-04.12.2014, Perth, Australia, pp.105-110 Winkler P.; Salehi Sadaghiani M. R.; Jentsch H. & Witt K. J.: »Granular packing generation using DEM – Modified Force-Biased-Algorithm« Proceedings of the 7th.International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-7), 02.-04.12.2014, Perth, Australia, pp.345-349 Habel W.R.; Hofmann D.; Döring H.; Jentsch H.; Senze A. & Kowalle G.: »Detection of a Slipping Soil Area in an Open Coal Pit by Embedded Fibre-optic Sensing rods« Proceedings of the 5th International Forum on Opto-electronic Sensor-based Monitoring in Geo-engineering (5th OSMG-2014), 12.-14.10.2014, Nanjing, China Salehi Sadaghiani M.R.; Jentsch H.; Faulstisch K.; Winkler P. & Witt K.J.: »DEM Modeling and Identification of Representative Element Volume of Soil Skeleton« Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE 2014), 18-20 June 2014, Delft, Holland | |
2013 | Jentsch, H. et al: »Detection of slipping soil areas with embedded tiny vertical sensing rods« Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structure Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-6), 09.-11.12. 2013, Hong Kong, China, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Book of Abstracts, p. 289, CD-ROM ISBN 978-962-367-768-4. SS03-03 | |
2012 | Salehi Sadaghiani M.R.; Witt K.J. & Jentsch H.: »A statistical Approach to Identify Mobile Particles of Internally Unstable Granular Soils« Proceedings of the 6th.International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-6), 27.-31.08.2012, Paris, France, pp. 132-138 |
Jahr | Projekt | |
2015 - 2014 | »Suffosionsproblematik im Rheinischen Schluff«, RWE Power AG / Gebirgs- und Bodenmechanik | |
2014 - 2011 | »GEOMEWA - Faseroptisches (Bohrloch-) Mess- und Warnsystem von Bewegungen im Untergrund«, ZIM-Kooperationsprojekt |