Forensic Structural Engineering database for HEI and pilot course with innovative and interactive learning methods

Following the shift from traditional didactic classroom models to the adoption of more learner-centered active learning approaches, gamification and, especially, escape rooms are gaining popularity as alternative learning and assessment environments designed to enhance students’ learning and skills in primary, secondary, higher education, and professional development programs. An educational escape room can be defined as an instructional method requiring learners to participate in collaborative playful activities explicitly designed for domain knowledge acquisition, skill development or behavioral change so that they can accomplish a specific goal by solving puzzles linked to unambiguous learning objectives (in a limited amount of time). Research indicates that, due to their playful nature, which favoring positive behavior, educational escape rooms can enhance learners’ motivation, engagement, and time management, increase confidence in critical thinking and decision-making, improve knowledge acquisition and academic performance. The project aims at addressing:

  • The application of educational Escape Rooms in civil engineering, especially for training/continuing education in highly specialized courses on the subject of recursive damage identification to close the gap in the education of the civil engineers related to the forensic engineering.
  • Offering a new teaching methodology and introducing new contents for Master's programmes maintaining its topicality and generality but adding training in a highly specialized and demanded education field. Specifically, studies on cases that are directly derived from reported and investigated damage events will strongly support intersectoral (academia/non-academic sector) acceptance.
  • Improving the trustworthiness of forensic investigation and the reliability/ validity of the outcomes through an innovative /integrated international collaborative educational framework for the exchange of experiences between partners (literature and best practices), stakeholders and young researchers/ professionals.
  • Creating new, innovative and joint courses / International relations and development cooperation / New learning and teaching methods and approaches: The development and implementation of a Pilot Course in Forensic Structural Engineering will challenge students in various real-life cases of damaging events by means of evidence-based and problem-based approach. It aims at providing the network framework for cooperation, course/ curriculum set-up in an international environment with various engineering/ education backgrounds of participants in a specific case-oriented context.

The partners bring in different expertise and case studies suited to derive learning examples, thus the project consortium will cover a broad range of forensic cases finally triggered by wind, fire, earthquake and other at the beginning unknown events. The partners plan to take advantage of group diversity to find the best strategy for the problem at hand by using an AGILE approach with focus on the derivation of learning examples. Within the planned pilot course, each partner country will present a series of Lessons Learned and Best practices collected from their research and consultancy work (share of workload; establishment of transnational lectures and exercises). Key teaching materials and the educational escape rooms will be offered in local languages of the project partners to ensure a broad regional, national and European dissemination by the end of the project. Thus, the project generates an added value for all partners and Europe.


Competency & Syllabus Survey for Structural Engineers and Court Expert Witnesses in Civil Engineering

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for agreeing to participate in our survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather input for developing the framework of an international elective course syllabus in Forensic Structural Engineering.

All information will be consolidated and anonymized in accordance with European GDPR regulations (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

The time required to complete the survey is approximately 10 minutes.


We would like to thank you in advance for your support!

The RECONSTRUCT European Team

Deutsch - German

Competency & Syllabus Survey for Structural Engineers and Court Expert Witnesses in Civil Engineering

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for agreeing to participate in our survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather input for developing the framework of an international elective course syllabus in Forensic Structural Engineering.

All information will be consolidated and anonymized in accordance with European GDPR regulations (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

The time required to complete the survey is approximately 10 minutes.


We would like to thank you in advance for your support!

The RECONSTRUCT European Team

македонски - Macedonian

Анкета за компетенции и наставна програма наменета за градежни инженери и судски вештаци во градежништвото

Почитувани Дами и Господа,

Ви благодариме на Вашето учество во оваа анкета. Целта на оваа анкета е да се соберат повратни информации за креирање и развој на наставниот план и програмата на меѓународен изборен предмет по форензичко инженерство на конструкции.

Сите информации ќе бидат синтетизирани и анонимни во склад со Европските GDPR регулативи (Регулатива (EU) 2016/679).

Времето потребно за пополнување на анкетата е приближно 10 минути.


Ви благодариме однапред за Вашата поддршка!

Од името на RECONSTRUCT проектниот тим.

Hrvatski - Croatian

Upitnik o kompetencijama i nastavnom sadržaju namijenjen inženjerima građevinarstva i sudskim vještacima u građevinarstvu

Poštovane dame i gospodo,

zahvaljujemo što ste pristali sudjelovati u našem istraživanju. Svrha ovog upitnika je prikupiti povratne informacije za oblikovanje i razvoj nastavnog plana i programa međunarodnog izbornog predmeta Forenzičko inženjerstvo u građevinarstvu.

Svi podaci bit će objedinjeni i anonimizirani u skladu s europskim GDPR propisima (Uredba (EU) 2016/679).

Za ispunjavanje upitnika potrebno je otprilike 10 minuta.


Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na vašoj podršci!

Europski tim RECONSTRUCT

Italiano - Italian

Indagine sulle competenze e sul programma didattico per ingegneri strutturali e periti giudiziari in ingegneria civile

Gentili signore e signori,

Grazie per aver accettato di partecipare al nostro sondaggio. Lo scopo di questo questionario è quello di raccogliere contributi per lo sviluppo della struttura di riferimento per un programma didattico internazionale per un corso elettivo in Ingegneria Strutturale Forense.

Tutte le informazioni saranno raccolte e rese anonime in conformità con la normativa europea GDPR (Regolamento (UE) 2016/679).

Il tempo necessario per completare il sondaggio è di circa 10 minuti.


Grazie in anticipo per il vostro supporto!

Il team europeo RECONSTRUCT

Português - Portuguese

Inquérito sobre Competências e Programa de Estudos para Engenheiros Estruturais e Peritos Judiciais em Engenharia Civil

Caros Senhoras e Senhores,

Obrigado por concordar em participar neste questionário. O objetivo deste inquérito é recolher contributos para o desenvolvimento do programa de um curso internacional em Engenharia Estrutural Forense.

Todas as informações serão consolidadas e anonimizadas de acordo com as regulamentações do RGPD europeu (Regulamento (UE) 2016/679).

O tempo necessário para completar o inquérito é de aproximadamente 10 minutos.


O nosso agradecimento pelo seu apoio.

A Equipa do projeto Europeu RECONSTRUCT



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the German Academic Exchange Service. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.