Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Abrahamczyk

Welcome to the Chair of Advanced Structures!

Our research and teaching focuses on the system analysis of structures including derivation of suitable partial models, engineering consideration of coupling and interactions, recording and consideration of extreme and changing load conditions as well as avoidance or evaluation of collapse potential using latest technologies (tools of digital engineering). Advanced Structures not only include the structures with high risk potential, lightweight and tent constructions, but also includes the use of damping elements and the interaction phenomena in standard construction methods.

Summaery 2024 »PlanB«

The Chair of Advanced Structures participated again this year in the Summaery 2024 (PlanB) with five interesting projects from the fields of earthquake engineering, reinforced concrete, soil-structure interaction, green buildings and robotics.

World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - WCEE2024

The Chair of Advanced Structures' actively participated at the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2024 in Milano, Italy. Members of the team presented recent research activities, engaged in scholarly discussions, reinforced partnerships, and significantly contributed to ongoing collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the earthquake engineering community.

Concluding Meeting: Research Project iBIMD »Erasmus+«

In part of the EU-funded project "Introduction to Building Information Modelling and Digitalization (iBIMD)", the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) hosted the concluding meeting on May 31st. Participants included the Chair of Advanced Structures from Bauhaus Universität Weimar and project partners from Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania; Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal; and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy.

The Chair of Advanced Structures offers projects and thesis in English and German Language. Interested students can either choose from the list of predefined topics or come up with their own ideas.


Each year, the professorship coordinates the course titled "NextGen Engineers – Advanced Training Courses for a Sustainable Tomorrow" as part of the Bauhaus Summer School program.


The internationally oriented Master's program, taught in English, equips students with the skills necessary to address engineering challenges posed by natural hazards.
