How a sea rescue can take place is beyond imagination. The documentary »Einhundertvier« (One Hundred Four) by Media Art and Design student Jonathan Schörnig brings this dramatic situation closer from the perspective of the rescuers. The 93-minute documentary is now celebrating its premiere in the German Competition of DOK Leipzig, the International Festival for Documentary and Animation Film. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend.
Shortly after the emergency call, several cameras accompany different situations simultaneously. Different points of view offer the possibility to set one's own focus on the actions taking place in parallel. During the search of the dinghy ahead for the refugee boat, the uncut real-time documentary begins until the successful rescue.
Jonathan Schörnig shot the footage in 2019 even before he began his studies at the Faculty of Art and Design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The project »A.G. Ich – das Autobiografische und das Autofiktionale« (A.G. I – the autobiographical and the autofictional) in the degree programme »Lehramt an Gymnasien Kunst« (Teaching Art Education)under the supervision of Lisa von Billerbeck finally provided the appropriate setting in the winter semester 2022/23 to process the material and complete a first rough version for an exhibition. »Afterwards, I realised that it would make a great documentary and would be better off on a screen, so I continued working on it,« Schörnig describes.
Jonathan Schörnig was preoccupied with the lack of awareness surrounding the dramatic situations in the Mediterranean and he decided to bring the real-time documentation of a sea rescue to the screen. In his film, several cameras accompany the rescue of 104 people on a sinking inflatable boat in parallel. The situation becomes even more dramatic when the Syrian coast guard shows up. No Mediterranean state allows the rescue boat to dock in a harbour; only the onset of a storm makes it possible to land.
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World premiere »Einhundertvier« (One Hundred Four) by Jonathan Schörnig
93 minutes
German, English
Subtitles: English
Screening dates:
Thursday, 12 October 2023, 2 p.m., CineStar 4 (premiere)
Friday, 13 October 2023, 5.30pm, Regina Palast 4
Sunday, 15 October 2023, 3pm, Passage Kinos Wintergarten
Dates and tickets:
Overview of cinemas and venues:
Single ticket: 10 euros
Performances starting up to and including 4 p.m.: 8 euros
reduced: 8 euros
Single ticket Kids DOK**: 5 Euro
Season ticket: 75 euros
Season ticket reduced: 45 Euro
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