Das Kooperative Haus
Project information
submitted by
Danny Liu, Kai Pieper
Supervising professorship
Professur Entwerfen und Wohnungsbau
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Verena von Beckerath,
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Florian Summa,
Dipl.-Ing. Johann Simons
Degree programme:
Architektur (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Project description
‚It would seem as if a building today is only interesting if it is more than itself; if it charges the space around it with connective possibilities; especially if it does this by a quietness that until now our sensibilities could not recognise as architecture at all‘ (Alison Smithson, Peter Smithson (1974): Without rhetoric. An architectural aesthetic 1955-1972, MIT Press, Cambridge, S.36)
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