Interdisciplinary, intercultural, interactive: exploring new exhibiting practices
The feeling of being foreign in a particular place or environment is among the emerging questions not only to millennials, but also to many other people. Persons, whose country of birth ceased to exist, and those, who found their country in a state of war and were forced to exile; and those, who under different circumstances don’t feel like they belong anymore, they all relate to this feeling.
The feeling of being foreign in a particular place or environment is among the emerging questions not only to millennials, but also to many other people. Persons, whose country of birth ceased to exist, and those, who found their country in a state of war and were forced to exile; and those, who under different circumstances don’t feel like they belong anymore, they all relate to this feeling.
Master-Thesis WiSe 2014/15
Alla Grishko
Professur Bauformenlehre
Prof. Bernd Rudolf
Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen
Prof. Ursula Damm
The desire of this Master-Thesis is using the tools of Mediaarchitecture to give an opportunity for those, who feel themselves foreign and alien, to find a home away from home. It is also an opportunity for all those people, who are lucky enough to not ever feel themselves foreign, to change the roles and to experience the feeling of foreignness. And lastly, the main strive is to start a dialog between the both groups, as well as to provide a platform for cooperation and better integration.
The thesis consists of three parts: the first chapter accommodates research on the mediality of architecture. The second chapter investigates the phenomena of foreignness, home and belonging; the third holds a design proposal for the installation “A home away from home” in a newly reopened Weimar premise.