Thesis Archive

Interdisciplinary, intercultural, interactive: exploring new exhibiting practices

The feeling of being foreign in a particular place or environment is among the emerging questions not only to millennials, but also to many other people. Persons, whose country of birth ceased to exist, and those, who found their country in a state of war and were forced to exile; and those, who under different circumstances don’t feel like they belong anymore, they all relate to this feeling.

The mysterious Theater Machine

Anlässlich des 100. Todestages von Georg II entwickelten die MediaArchitecture Studierenden in Kooperation mit Medieninformatik-Studierenden eine interaktive Fassadenprojektion.

Game-based multi-user public interaction

This thesis is about urban interactive games and public engagement in new media art. It´s about experimenting and searching new ways and devices for using public space and connecting people, to create the relationship between the human, computer and urban space. The focus is on games, because they are one of the best means of creating connection and collaboration between strangers.