Marie Gehrhardt
Co-AuthorsMarie Gehrhardt
MentorsDipl. Des. Laura Strasser künstlerische Mitarbeiterin Susann Paduch
Summer semester 2016
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Product Design (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))
Semester project
DingLicht is about the characteristics of porcelain in combination with light.
Although the times when porcelain was almost as expensive as gold are over, the material itself
still has a aura of a precious commodity. Porcelain often survives generations and is especially
rising in the value of emotions. The Design of DingLicht is inspired by those aspects.
The translucent character of porcelain produces a comfortable and warm light.
By touching the oval extensions, the light of DingLicht can be regulated to your mood.
The form of DingLicht communicates to pick up the light and take it with you.
The cork covering bottom protects your light of an enthusiastic use and makes it slip-resistant.
The technics is inside the light, even if it starts to rain your DingLicht will show you safely your
way to your destination.
Changes from color to monochrome mode
contrast active
contrast not active
Changes the background color from white to black
Darkmode active
Darkmode not active
Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened
Feedback active
Feedback not active
Halts animations on the page
Animations active
Animations not active