Programme for the Day of Teaching and Learning 2024

Day of Teaching and Learning 2024 | Programme
Here you will find an overview of the events on the Day of Teaching and Learning on May 29, 2024. In workshops, keynotes and panel discussions, all university members are cordially invited to explore together how teaching can contribute to strengthening democracy and freedom!
The events will take place online, in person and hybrid at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences. Participation is free of charge.
You can find more information about the Day of Teaching and Learning in our FAQ.
12:30 -1:00 pm | Opening and keynote
Opening and keynote: What does democratic education need?
Format: hybrid
Language: de
- Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Audimax, universiy library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
- Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Audimax, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
- online at
Prof. Dr. Cordula Borbe, Dr. Simon Frisch, Dr. Karoline Spelsberg-Papazoglou
The Day of Teaching and Learning will be opened by Dr Simon Frisch, Vice President for Teaching and Learning at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, and Prof Dr Cordula Borbe, Vice President for Studies and Teaching at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences. Afterwards, Dr Karoline Spelsberg-Papazoglou from the Folkwang University of the Arts will give a keynote speech on the role of universities in a democratic society.
1:00 - 2:00 pm | Panel discussion
Panel discussion: Universities in a democratic society?
Format: hybrid
Language: de
- Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Audimax, universiy library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
- Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Audimax, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
- online at
Prof. Dr. Cordula Borbe, Jenny Brockmann, Franziska Fischer, Andreas Froese, Dr. Ulrike Kuch, Dr. Pascal Leibbrandt
What contribution can teaching and learning make towards democracy and freedom? What role do universities play in a democratic society? We would like to discuss these questions with university members from Weimar and Nordhausen.
2:30 - 5:00 pm | Workshops
Workshop: Mission and vision for teaching
Format: in person
Language: de, en
Location: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, room 105, main buildng, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Weimar
What should teaching and learning at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar look like? What mindset and values are important to us? Good teaching and successful studying are a joint task to which all members of the university contribute: teaching staff, students and administrative staff. In this workshop, we invite all status groups to further develop the ideas on the vision and mission from the STEP process and to get involved in the participatory process on the mission and vision statement for teaching.
Teaching on the road: Geotopes on the southern edge of the Harz Mountains
Format: excursion in person
Language: de
Location: Start Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
The southern edge of the Harz Mountains near Nordhausen has so much to offer! Breathtaking views, rich deposits of raw materials and mysterious caves. On this excursion, you will get to know the region from a new perspective together with Dr Aselmeyer by visiting various geologically exciting places. The departure and arrival point is Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences. Be curious and let yourself be surprised!
Please bring your own mobile device for participation in this event.
2:30 - 3:30 pm | Mini workshops
Interactive lecture: Racism-critical teaching
Format: online
Language: de
- Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, meeting room, universiy library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
- Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Seminar room 4, building 19, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
- online at
Maurice Soulié, Dr. Miriam Benteler, Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schramme
Racism and discrimination are phenomena that affect society as a whole and are also structurally anchored in higher education contexts. At the same time, education systems are important places for diversification in order to counteract disadvantages, exclusions and forms of discrimination at different levels. This lecture looks at racism in the context of university teaching and provides impulses for racism-critical university teaching.
Mini workshop: Just ask! The secret of successful conversations
Format: in person
Language: de
Location: Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Ratssaal, Haus 19, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
Diana Skyba, Prof. Dr. Cordula Borbe
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your communication skills? And can you imagine that a workshop on this topic could elevate your competence to a higher level? In this workshop, Diana Skyba and Prof. Dr. Cordula Borbe will address the basic competencies of successful communication in both professional and personal contexts. This will provide you with insights into the skills taught to students of Social Work and Special Needs Education at the University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, and will offer you the opportunity to further improve your communication abilities. Interactive exercises will allow you to practice newly acquired skills such as active listening, paraphrasing, verbalizing, and applying various questioning techniques.
Mini workshop: Touching tracks
Format: in person
Language: de, en
Location: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, hybrid learning studio, room 003, Amalienstr. 13, Weimar
Dr. Alexander König, Jan Sieber, Studierende des Fachmoduls
The installation provides participants with an immersive and interactive experience within an experimental and virtual art space. Participants will learn the principles of real-time tracking, networking, sensor fusion and data manipulation with a versatile visual programming environment. Participants will take part in interactive student installations, exploring the boundaries of artistic expression through the fusion of technology and creativity.
Mini workshop: Sustainable simulation-driven product and process development as a learning path for future engineers
Format: in person
Language: de
Location: Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Lecture hall 4, building 34, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
Applied Science in Thought and Action is my motivation and driving force," says Frank Einicke. In his workshop, he will share insights from his innovative teaching experiences at the University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen. The framework revolves around Digital Engineering, aiming to leverage the full potential of technical creativity, precise data models, and smart workflows. This ensures that a good idea translates into an excellent product – benefiting manufacturers, customers, and the environment alike. Frank Einicke will provide a 30-minute presentation showcasing the CAE learning path at the University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, demonstrating how we systematically prepare our future engineers for the job market. Following the presentation, you are warmly invited to engage in a collaborative discussion on this exciting topic.
4:00 - 5:00 pm | Mini workshops
Mini workshop: Teaching exchange – Teaching together in cooperation projects
Format: hybrid
Language: de
- Hybrides Lernatelier, Raum 003, Amalienstr. 13, Weimar
- Council room, building 19, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
It takes two or more Thuringian universities, different disciplines and the desire to try something out: Cooperative impulse projects are innovations in teaching, learning and examination scenarios that are financially supported by the eTeach network. Lecturers from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen are invited to bring along their initial ideas. We will take time to get to know each other and explore possible alliances.
Interactive lecture: How resilient is our democracy? Instruments of resilient democracy from a constitutional perspective
Format: hybrid
Language: de
- Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Seminar room 4, building 19, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
- Streaming at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, meeting room, Universitätsbibliothek, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
- online at
"Nearly four out of five individuals see democracy in Germany increasingly threatened." (representative population survey by DeZIM, May 2023) These survey results highlight the importance of questions regarding our democracy. This workshop will focus on the question of how democracy can be protected and defended. Professor Dr. Sporleder-Geb will provide insights into the fundamental constitutional values, threats to democracy, and instruments of resilient democracy enshrined in the German Grundgesetz (Basic Law). Following the presentation, there will be a collaborative discussion to determine whether the existing instruments are adequate or if enhancements are necessary.
5:00 - 6:00 pm | Teaching award ceremony
Teaching award ceremony
Format: in person
Language: de, en
Location: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foyer, university library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
The teaching awards ceremony 2023/24 will take place on the Day of Teaching and Learning. The teaching awards honour outstanding courses from previous semesters at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
In addition to the four faculty teaching awards, one award for student teaching and another special award for social responsibility in teaching will be presented. The teaching awards are based on nominations by the students and are organised by the StudierendenKonvent.
6 pm | Evening event
all-day (1:00-6:00 pm) | Platform for discussion
Bauhaus fragility – we need to talk about racism at our university
Format: in person
Language: en
Location: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, room 021, main building, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, Weimar
Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall, Dr. Miriam Benteler, Lea Maria Wittich, Arijit Bhattacharyya
Bauhaus Arabs, Crying Classroom, Diversity Department UDK Berlin, IFA Diaspora
This symposium will feature presentations, workshops and discussions with initiatives from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and guests from UDK Berlin and TU Berlin. These initiatives and experts will present valuable perspectives on how to deal with racism and sexism in the academic environment, strategies to combat discrimination and the potential for shaping a more inclusive and equitable environment. We aim to jointly develop strategies and actions to dismantle racist, sexist and discriminatory practices within our university.
all-day (1:00-5:00 pm) | MitMachBar, podcast station, video station and prompting station
Format: in person
Language: de, en
Location: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foyer, university library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
Hannah Kordes, Ludwig Lorenz
Are you interested in turning ideas into reality and wondering: Is it possible? In the foyer of the library, we want to share knowledge about how you can get support for the realisation of projects at our university.
Which people can be contacted for which topics? What opportunities are there for realisation? Where do I apply for financial support? Which structures or connections are still missing?
Video station: Teaching and learning in Weimar and Nordhausen
Format: hybrid
Language: de, en
- Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foyer, university library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
- online at
Steven Mehlhorn, Larissa Barth, teachers of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences
Short video interviews provide insights into innovative teaching projects at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.
Prompting station: AI in teaching and learning – Experimenting in a space of possibilities
Format: in person
Sprache: de, en
- Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, meeting room, university library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar (only from 1:00 to 2:00 pm)
- Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Audimax, Weinberghof 4, Nordhausen
Svea Benett, Zaryab Chaudhry, Thomas Herwig (Hike LAB)
Artificial intelligence and its potentials as well as risks are currently hot topics. But what are implications for teaching and learning at universities? Ethical questions, qualification opportunities, and the limits of AI usage are just some of the relevant topics. But how about giving it a try? For this purpose, the eTeach network has developed a Prompting-station. This serves as an experimentation space that allows you to utilize various licensed tools, implement ideas, and discuss critical questions. Come by, try it out, and explore the possibilities of this technology.
Podcast station "Zwischen Magie und Handwerk"
Format: in person
Language: de
Location: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foyer, university library, Steubenstr. 6, Weimar
Dr. Nicole Baron, Dr. Simon Frisch
Immerse yourself in the world of teaching - where rainforests train perception, where the beauty of a complete induction becomes a landscape garden, where reading becomes writing and writing becomes lecturing, and where spoon enthusiasm fills an entire semester. And, where the senses of eyes, ears, touch and much more combine with questions about teaching methods, and where learning goals and questions about the craft and magic of teaching and learning come together.
In this podcast, Dr. Simon Frisch talks with teachers at the Bauhaus University Weimar about what teaching means, how it can succeed and why it sometimes fails. listen in and be inspired by the exciting conversations.