summaery2021: Projects

Dynamic Investigation of a Filler Beam Railway Bridge for High-Speed Trains

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Project information

submitted by
Barbara Evaldt Bombardelli

Barbara Evaldt Bombardelli

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Volkmar Zabel

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Degree programme:
Natural Hazards and Risks in Structural Engineering (NHRE) (englischsprachig) (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
Final project

Summer semester 2021

Project description

In this project, a dynamic investigation was carried out in an existing bridge located at the Hannover-Würzburg high-speed railway line.

The structure is a composite filler beam railway bridge with a ballasted track and two spans. Different trains and lines make use of the bridge, especially ICE trains, with a speed up to 250km/h.

The aim of the project was to study the dynamic behavior of the structure. Factors such as vehicle speed and the passage of the train with approximately uniform space between wheels can result in an amplification of the dynamic effects.

Therefore, a FEM model and numerical simulations were developed.

Email: barbara.evaldt.bombardelli[at]


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