summaery2021: Projects

Anschluss 2021

Project information

submitted by
Katrin Krupka

Luca Schreiber, Leopold Kürschner, Matthias Schüller, Caroline Nüesch, Tom Kemter, Leon Peter Purtscher, Mara Kossira, Aaron Merten, Niels Cremer, Anna Viktorija Babic, Laura Louise Richter, Johanna Huse , Pascal Simon Stappen, Linus Enzmann, Julia Diegelmann, Esther Betz, Aaron Mooser, Johannes Fest, Michel Schneider, Ronja Kügow

Katrin Krupka (Vertretungsprofessorin Material und Umwelt), Susann Paduch (Künstlerische Mitarbeiterin), Prof. Andreas Mühlenberend (Professur Industrial Design), Timm Burkhardt (Künstlerischer Mitarbeiter), Benjamin Fonfara (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Sarah Böttger (Künstlerische Mitarbeiterin), Christina Schmitz-Riol (Institut für Sprechbildung), Werkstattleiter*innen und Mitarbeiter aller Werkstätten

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Product Design (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2021

Project description

Between Kurzschluss and project studies ... there's the so called ANSCHLUSS. It is about the question WHAT do the students want to design and more importantly HOW do they want to design. The result of the ANSCHLUSS is not only the (perhaps superficial) quality of a product design, but above all the expansion of knowledge and skills in the field of methodology, cooperation, communication, as well as one's own reflexion of the acquired skills ... in short, PROCESS COMPETENCE.

An intelligent process synthesizes practical and theoretical knowledge into ideas that have the potential to push boundaries in one way or another. Design has the possibility not only to talk about things, but to do and show things. This is what the students are trained to, with the awareness that they can develop their own position with their ideas.

No topic could be more fitting for the ANSCHLUSS, and especially for the ANSCHLUSS in times of Corona, than WORK. In two design tasks, ONE : ONE : ONE - Everyday Helpers for Teleworking, and ANYTHING BUT A TABLE - Furniture for Teleworking, the students researched, designed and tested. In different teaching formats, the design tasks were supervised in terms of content and method by internal and external teachers. The project structure consists of the subject areas: MATERIAL & PRODUCTION, WORK & DESIGN, METHOD & COMMUNICATION, DESIGN & PROCESS.

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), Hinterhof und Aquarium
  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), Hinterhof und Aquarium
  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), Hinterhof und Aquarium
  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), Hinterhof und Aquarium
  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), Hinterhof und Aquarium
  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), Hinterhof und Aquarium