summaery2021: Projects

Guided Research Project

Project information

submitted by
Elodie Vittu

Franziska Beck, Lydia Finzel, Nina Gribling, Paul Grünler, Florian Hesse, Shiao-Ying Hsu, Begum Kocabalkanli, Mariam Kunchuliya, Manuel Magenau, Matilde Nanni, Bipin Niraula, Lisa Pontén, Freke Schrikkema, Olga Suslova, Charlotte Waitz, Mehmet Yurtcu

Elodie Vittu, Frank Eckardt

Architecture and Urbanism

Degree programme:
European Urban Studies (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation

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Project description

Guided Research Project (GRP) is an individual mandatory research carried out by the student of the European Urban Studies Programme during the third semester of Master studies. It is aimed to identify fields of interests (preparing a research), develop skills in independent field research (conducting a research) and in the scientific writing (reporting stage) as a preparation for master thesis and further activities.
Each student chose a topic and formulated a research question, according to which 7 thematic exchange groups of 2-3 persons were formed: public spaces, social movements, mobility, homelessness/policy analysis, urban anthropology/urban history, sustainability, resilience. Depending on the field of interest and goals of the research the host institutions and supervisors of the research were matched accordingly. All the Guided Research Projects will be conducted in Europe, however the geography of research is quite broad: Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Malta. The students will be supervised under the following professorships of the Faculty Architecture and Urbanism: Urban Studies and Social Research, European Cities and Urban Heritage, Spatial Planning and Research, Urban Planning, Theory and History of Modern Architecture; and of the Faculty of City Engineering (chair Transport City Planning). The presentation of GRP results and finding will be exhibited by students and their supervisors in the beginning of the 4th semester.

Email: elodie.vittu[at]

Files and presentations

Exhibition Location / Event Location

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