summaery2020: Projects

Digital Blockhouse Fabrication

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Project information

submitted by
Lukas Kirschnick

Lukas Kirschnick

Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann, Dr.-Ing. Stephan Schütz

Architecture and Urbanism

Degree programme:
Architecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
Final project

Summer semester 2020

Project description

Today's timber construction utilizes the possibilities of computer-aided manufacturing in
order to implement complex designs using standardized wood materials. The approach
pursued here aims to use tree trunks in their raw form. This has been practised in traditional
log house construction for thousands of years. The logs are debarked and stacked
to form a solid wall. However, this resource-saving approach requires great craftsmanship.
In order to modernize log house construction and to exploit the possibilities of computer-
aided production and digital planning, an alternative process chain was tested. The
felled tree trunks were scanned in 3-D and then digitally processed. With the help of a
specially developed script, the logs were automatically stacked and cut together. The
resulting 3-D data was then used to generate the machine code for processing the logs
by CNC milling. The resulting wall consists of perfectly interlocking logs with minimal
Compared to the logs cut in the sawmill, this could result in approximately 15-20 percent
less waste. The automated processing also allows the use of irregularly shaped logs,
dead wood and strongly tapered logs - an opportunity for more sustainability.

Email: lukas.kirschnick[at]

Files and presentations

Exhibition Location / Event Location

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