As part of summaery2017 the best and most creativ works of the past academic year will be awarded. Here you can find more information about competitions, conditions of participation and award ceremonies
For the eight year in a row, the university gallery »marke.6« is calling for students from all faculties to submit their work for consideration for the Bauhaus Essentials and the GRAFE Creative Prize.
A jury of experts will nominate the best works at the summaery2017 for the Bauhaus Essentials exhibition organized by the university gallery marke.6. Some of these works will then be selected for the GRAFE Creative Prize, which includes their presentation at the PositionsBerlin international art fair from 14 to 17 September 2017 in Berlin. In addition the winners will receive vouchers from the company Boesner.
Jury review of the submitted projects: Friday, 14 July and Saturday, 15 July
Awards ceremony: Sunday 1.30 pm, in front of the Bauhaus.Atelier or in the main building in case of bad weather
Mona Deiters and Maria Kubitscheck
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Marienstr. 18
99423 Weimar
E-Mail: marke.6[at]
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