summaery2020: Projects

Mobile Information Visualization

Project information

submitted by
Joshua Reibert

Aalok Gokhale, Josef Roth, Martin Unterreiner, Yen Lung Chen

Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich, Sebastian Stickert, Joshua Reibert


Degree programme:
Computer Science and Media (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Human-Computer Interaction (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
Research project

Winter semester 2020/21

Project description

Information visualization is more and more present on mobile devices, especially in news articles and social media. Yet, professional visual analytics tools and current research rarely target mobile devices. Even though current smartphones have powerful processors and high display resolutions, the screen space is limited and touch input does not allow fine-grained interaction. Hence, visualization on mobile devices is typically more casual and not used for visual analytics yet.

The project started by exploring visualizations “in the wild”. Given relevant research papers and commercial guidelines for designing content on mobile devices, the team evaluated them with respect to usability and responsiveness. After gaining a better understanding of challenges involved in mobile information visualization, each of the project participants prepared pitches for a project contribution. These were thoroughly discussed and refined within the group.

The team then designed a concept for a web-based data visualization application, which visualizes multivariate waste data of the EU countries with parallel coordinates and touch interactions specifically tailored towards mobile devices. Several screen mock-ups and the flow of interaction were sketched up on paper and later digitized to inform and prioritize features for the application. Finally, the concept was implemented using the javascript frameworks vue and d3. See the result at


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Exhibition Location / Event Location

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