The extraordinary format of the interdisciplinary summer school provides the opportunity for foreign
and local students to study advanced levels of recent developments of numerical methods and
sophisticated modelling in different disciplines of civil engineering far beyond traditional graduate
courses. In addition, results of ongoing research and projects at the involved partner universities:
Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), the University of Osijek (Croatia), the University of Ljubljana
(Slovenia) and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) of the Bauhaus-
Universität Weimar as well as topics from neighbouring disciplines affecting and describing the
demands on civil engineer structures are presented by invited guest lectures.
The comprehensive summer school at graduate level introduced selected students to different course
topics and six related projects. To enable participants to understand and use the presented concepts in their further professional career a main part of the summer school was devoted to interdisciplinary
project work. Discussions and the exchange of ideas with professors, research associates and other
participants during and after classes enhanced the personal experience and brought best benefits to all participants. The course was completed by an excursion to a tunnel construction site as well as several social/team building activities.
The special character of this course is in the combination of basic disciplines of structural engineering
with applied research projects. Its innovative character results from the ambitious engineering tasks and advanced modeling demands. Major course topics were derived from current research fields of the
participating institutions at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and involved European project partners. The
acquired knowledge could be applied to scientific and practically relevant projects within a compact
course. Such a “hands-on approach” is commonly not included in regular teaching programmes.
The summer school program is modular structured and composed of lectures, project work, presentations by the participants as well as an excursion. It combines theory and practice on the basis of advanced research and tool development.
In small groups and intensively supervised. It includes presentation and submission of final results - this (for the participants mostly demanding) part of the course offers the possibility to work in interdisciplinary teams on different projects. The outcome – presented by the herein compiled reports – reaches an impressive level of results and graphical elaboration. The participants could choose between six offered projects dealing with advanced current engineering research topics:
For further information, please visit our web page:
Thanks to the support of our Erasmus+ strategic partnership project partners as well as nationally and
internationally well-known and high-ranked scientist the program of the engineering summer course at
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar was highlighted by interesting guest lectures. The current state of research at the project partner’s Universities as well as lecturers from other disciplines emphasized the future demands on engineers to overcome future requirements on engineered structures. At the summer course 2019 the following lectures were held:
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