The design of engineering structures takes place today and in the past on the basis of static calculations. The consideration of uncertainties in the model quality becomes more and more important with the development of new construction methods and design requirements. In addition to the traditional forced-based approaches, experiences and observations about the deformation behavior of components and the overall structure under different exposure conditions allow the introduction of novel detection and evaluation criteria.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar presents special topics of Structural Engineering to highlight the broad spectrum of civil engineering in the field of modeling and simulation. The expected outputs of the summer course are to enable the participating students to deal with advanced methods in model validation and simulation and its practical application, as well as the exchange of ideas between the participating students.
Through a challenging and demanding series of lectures, as well as seminars and project work, presented with a state-of-the-art information and communication technology, this project seeks to impart knowledge and to combine research with a practical context.
This comprehensive summer school at graduate level will introduce selected students to different course topics and related projects. To enable participants to understand and use the presented concepts in their further professional career a main part of the summer school is devoted to interdisciplinary project work.
Discussions and the exchange of ideas with professors, research associates and other participants during and after classes will enhance the personal experience and bring best benefits to all participants. In addition, we offer excursions to building-sites and leading companies as well as a programme of cultural events.
In the frame of the planned summer course different aspects, modelling techniques as well as strategies will be discussed and trained. The topics are:
Elaboration of interdisciplinary cooperation needs to solve complex engineering technically challenging questions.
The focus is on structures under extreme impact, due to the observed behaviours from past and current events as well as special requirements for future designs.
For further information, please visit our web page:
Thanks to the support of our Erasmus+ strategic partnership project partners as well as nationally and
internationally well-known and high-ranked scientist the program of the engineering summer course at
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar was highlighted by interesting guest lectures. The current state of research at the project partner’s Universities as well as lecturers from other disciplines emphasized the future demands on engineers to overcome future requirements on engineered structures. At the summer course 2018 the following lectures were held:
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