At the Department of Structural Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics special training courses in the field of Advanced Structural and Wind Engineering as well as Computational Structural Design were organized in cooperation with the Chair of Modelling and Simulation of Structures and the Chair of Steel and Hybrid Structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Course 2017: June 26th to 30th, 2017 | The course focus on advanced computational design techniques in the civil engineering design.
Course 2018: June 25th to 29th, 2018 | The course focus on advanced computational design techniques in the civil engineering design.
Next to the training of PhD students, the involved project partners bundle their resources and expertise’s to establish a network and a basis to the course. Besides the knowledge transfer, the participating PhD students had the opportunity to discuss their research topics with international experts from different disciplines and areas, to create their own networks, and to identify new ideas and topics for their future career.
In preparation of the learning activities course materials were prepared, datasets preliminary elaborated and afterwards results treated for the supplementation into the database. The intellectual outputs of the PhD course are on one side the lecture materials, which are provided to the PhD students. All the materials were made available to the students via the Moodle platform at the Bauhaus University Weimar. On the other side, the created database, which has been developed and evaluated by the students in the project work. The PhD course finished by a project work prepared by the international student groups formulated during the PhD course. The lecture materials can be used by the students in their PhD studies and in their future publications.
Depending on the gained experience publications authored by the involved PhD students were/are coordinated and supported. The papers are published in either peer-reviewed journals or conferences. All publications are/will be listed at the project website.
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