Chair of Construction Economics
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Marienstrasse 7A
99423 Weimar
Room 109, 1st Floor
Phone: +49 (0)3643 - 58 45 49
Fax: +49 (0)3643 - 58 45 65
E-Mail: norayr.badasyan[at]uni-weimar.de
Academic Experience
- 03/2017- Research Associate, PostDoc, Chair of the Construction Economics at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- 10/2013 - 02/2017 - PhD Candidate, Chair of the Construction Economics at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- 06/2015 - 12/2015 - Research Assistant, Chair of Construction Economics at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- 03/2011-08/2013 - Research Fellow at the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
- 09/2011-08/2012 - Assistant Professor at Armenian State University of Economics (Yeghegnadzor branch)
- 09/2012-08/2013 - Assistant Professor at Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia
06/2008-12/2010 - Doctor of Economics, Department of Economics, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan (Armenia)
09/2003-06/2008 - Economist-Engineer, Armenian State University of Economics, Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Yerevan, Armenia
Practical Experience
- 01/2013-08/2013 Inspection Reform Team Leader, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
- 04/2012-01/2013 Inspection Reform Expert, Inspection Reform Project, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
- 04/2011-04/2012 Leading Specialist in the Investment Policy Department, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
- 02/2009-04/2011 First Class Specialist in the Agency of Accreditation, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
- AEC Global Teamwork Project
- Public Infrastructure Provision Toolbox under the Framework of the New Institutional Economics
Research Areas
- New Institutional Economics
- Public Infrastructure Provision Models (Privatization, Partnership, Contractual, Business, Finance)
- Transport Infrastructure
- Feasibility Studies of Public Infrastructure Provision Models
Badasyan, N., Alfen, H.W., "Business Models and the Private Provision of the Public Infrastructure: Leaving no Stone Unturned", Public Works and Management, Sage, Under Review.
Badasyan, N., Alfen, H. W., "On the Development of Socially Beneficial Infrastructure Projects", International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald, Accepted for the Publication.
Badasyan, N., Alfen, H. W., "Development of the Public Infrastructure Provision Organizational Models: Examples from the Armenian Transport Sector", International Journal of Public Administration, Taylor and Francis/Routledge, (2016), pp. 1-10, DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2015.1136914, ISSN: 0190-0692 (Print) 1532-4265 (Online).
Badasyan, N., Alfen, H.W., "The Public Infrastructure Provision Toolbox within the Framework of the New Institutional Economics", European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law review, Volume 10, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 72-82.
Fruchter, R., Grey, F., Badasyan, N., Russell-Smith, S., Castillo, F., "Integrated Target Value Approach Engaging Project Teams in an Iterative Process of Exploration and Decision Making to provide Clients with the Highest Value", American Society of Civil Engineers, Computing in Civil Engineering, (2015), pp. 313-321.
Badasyan, N. "Quality Infrastructure Reform for Developing the Quality Management Systems in Armenia",Finance and Economy, N7-8 (121-122), (July-August 2010), pp. 34-37.
Badasyan, N., "Efficiency of the Implementation of Quality Management Systems in Armenia", RA NAS Institute of Economics, Yerevan, (2010), pp 408-412.
Badasyan, N., "The Essence of Quality Management Systems", Finance and Economy, N4-5(118-119), (April-May 2010), pp. 37-39.
Badasyan, N., "Efficiency of the implementation of quality management systems in mineral water producing companies", Finance and Economy, N12(113), (November 2009), pp. 43-45.
Badasyan, N., "Public Infrastructure Provision Project Development Framework: Identifying an Optimized Organizational Models for the Transport Sector of RA", Under Publication, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Badasyan, N., "On the Economic Issues of the Public Quality Infrastructure Management", 2011, National Academy of Sciences of the RA (available in Armenian).
DAAD Academic Scholarship (2013-2017)
STIPED Research Assistant Funding, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, DAAD