1. General guidelines
2. Responsibilities of the workshop users
General rules
In order to prevent accidents and damage to one's health, all workshop users are required to observe and comply with the following:
Operating guidelines in accordance with ß 4 no. 7 of the Occupation Health and Safety Act
Personal protective clothing
Working with hazardous substances
Cleanliness and order
3. Responsibilities of the workshop supervisor
The workshop supervisor is responsible for the proper operation of the workshop area, and in particular, for ensuring that accident prevention measures and generally recognized rules of work safety and occupational health are complied with. The accident prevention measures in place in the workshop area must be posted so that all workshop users can read them.
When hazardous substances are used in the workshop area, the workshop supervisor must comply with the Hazardous Substance Ordinance and the corresponding technical regulations. This pertains in particular to the following sections in Hazardous Substance Ordinance (GefStoffV):
§ 6 Safety data sheet
§ 7 Collecting information and assessing safety risks
§ 8 Principles for preventing hazards, low-hazard activities (safety level 1)
§ 9 Basic measures for protecting workers (safety level 2)
§ 12 Supplementary measures against physical-chemical exposure, in particular, against fire and explosion hazards
§ 13 Malfunctions, accidents and emergencies
§14 Informing and training workers
The workshop supervisor is responsible for communicating the applicable accident prevention measures to the workshop users and ensuring that the workshop users comply with the rules as described in Part 2 of these operation guidelines.
The supervisor must instruct workshop users in how to handle hazardous materials in accordance with ß 14 of the Hazardous Substance Ordinance (GefStoffV) and the technical rules for hazardous substances (TRGS). Instruction must be provided in written form (instruction manual, GUV-I 8541).
The wood workshop must be cleaned once a week, preferably on Friday so as not to disrupt the rhythm of instruction. Users must wear P2 breathing masks when conducting work which produces high amounts of dust.
In order to minimize the concentration of wood dust in the workshops, supervisors must ensure that no more than two machines in the wood workshop + CNC are in operation simultaneously.
The users of the wood working machines must be given basic instruction in their operation on an appropriately regular basis.
V: Workshop supervisor
4. Dealing with accidents, caring for the injured
Informing outside authorities
Accident reports
Workshop supervisors must report all accidents to the Dean's Office and document them accordingly.
5. Fire protection
The »Fire protection guidelines« described in HENRI Part E apply to the following cases:
- Course of action in case of fire
- Preventative fire protection measures
- Defensive fire protection
Please note: The specially marked emergency exits in Rooms 107 and 108 in the plastics workshop can only be used after the fire brigade ensures accessibility.
6. Employment restrictions
Legal regulations pertaining to employment restrictions must be observed, in particular:
Law to protect working mothers - Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) in combination with the Ordinance to Protect Mothers at the Workplace - Maternity Protection Guideline Ordinance (MuSchRiV).
Law to protect working youngsters - Employment of Young Persons Act (JArbSchG)
7. Statement of effect
These regulations for the workshops of the Faculty of Art and Design take effect immediately.
The previous regulations of 11 August 1994 are hereby invalidated.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Gestaltung
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Gronert
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