
Published: 02 August 2023

New Publication: ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction

Elias Naphausen, Andreas Muxel and Jan Willmann have published a scientific paper entitled: "New Design Potentials of Non-mimetic Sonification in Human-Robot Interaction" in the ACM journal Transactions on Human-Robot (THRI). The work – being based on a cooperation between the Hybrid Things Lab at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg and the Professorship of Design Theory at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar – explores the design of a novel augmented audible presence for industrial robots, thus allowing new forms of interaction, while, at the same time, outlining an expanded relation between machinic and auditory dimensionality.  

Elias Naphausen, Andreas Muxel, and Jan Willmann. 2023. New Design Potentials of Non-mimetic Sonification in Human-Robot Interaction. J. Hum.-Robot Interact. August 2023.

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