Dear students, dear staff,
We would like to inform you today about the current rules and regulations for student workspaces and to share some organisational details pertaining to the upcoming holidays.
3G Rule in Workrooms
As is the case for in-person events, the 3G rule also applies to independent or unsupervised student-use of workrooms, studio spaces, workshops, labs, computer pools, etc. This rule will be enforced by 3G compliance check teams on a random basis. Be sure to carry proof of your vaccination, recovery, or negative test certificate with you at all times if you are working independently in any of these spaces.
In order to ensure that the 3G rule can be upheld, use of these spaces will initially only be permitted during the week. An increase in controlled use of these spaces is planned.
Reducing In-Person Contact During the Holidays
No in-person teaching will take place between 20 December 2021 and 9 January 2022. During the holidays, many of you will be seeing family or friends and travelling and this buffer period is intended to allow you to reduce your in-person contact with others before and after you meet with others during the holidays. During the first week of January, all classes will be held online.
As always, detailed information can be found on our website at under »News« and in the FAQs.
We ask you to continue to observe the current rules and regulations and to behave responsibly. Only by doing so can we prevent the spread of infection here at the university.
We wish you a wonderful Advent and happy holidays — stay healthy!
On behalf of the Presidium,
Prof. Dr. Christian Koch
Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs
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