
Urban- Region- Climate- Change? Limits of Urban Design in Climate Protection on the Example of the IBA 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart.


Project information

submitted by
Lukas Häfner

Supervising professorship
Raumplanung und Raumforschung

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Max Welch Guerra, Dr. Julia Gamberini

Degree programme:
Urbanistik (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.))

Project description

Climate change has become one of the major determinants of urban development and requires its integration into the formats that will discuss and shape the city of tomorrow. To what extent this applies to the IBA'27 and what impulses it sends out to the region of Stuttgart is the central question of this paper. The desiderata of the paper point to three central results:
(1) On the one hand, the urban development program of the IBA'27 with its density, mixed use and polycentricity fulfills the basic requirements for a climate-ecological urban development.
(2) Secondly, structural aspects are not sufficient, but necessary for effective urban climate protection. Moreover, there is no lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of implementation. The example of IBA'27 shows that path dependencies shape the development and use of cities far more than a purely architectural perspective would suggest.
(3) The present study shows where the fields of action for an effective impulse through IBA'27 lie. These can be found especially in the development of an own institutional and idealistic independence, the provocation of public and critical discourses, and the permanent implementation of the results. The research work thus suggests that, in addition to a presumably internal discourse within the discipline, the political conditions and the reorganization of social and ecological interests should be focused.

Files and presentations