
'transformer' transformation of a paper factory

Project information

submitted by
Johanna Schulze

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Hans-Rudolf Meier Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Angermann Christine Dörner M.Sc.

Degree programme:
Architektur (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.))

Project description

An analysis of the history of the Patent Papierfabrik in Hohenofen, which was built in 1834, shows that the mill and thus the stock were under constant pressure to adapt to geopolitical changes. Uninterrupted production was only possible with a high degree of improvisation and adaptability by the employees. The constant awareness of adopting existing structures and making them usable also contributed to a strong identification of the employees with and about the factory. This constant usability established an additive pattern of building upon the existing.
The aim of the following work is to use the existing layers of time as a design tool and to create a new spatial perception and appreciation of the non heritage substance by exposing them. As an example, the substance of the workshop building will be rethought in the following. A distinction is made between three layers of transformation. The backbone (the supporting mass), the skeleton (secondary space-creating elements) and the muscles (the specific new uses).
The design „transformer“ is a proposal for the reappropriation of the workshop building. Therefore, it is an example of how the other, non heritage buildings on the site could be revitalized and reimagined in the future.
The work 'kessel' as well as the theoretical analysis took place previously in WS 2021.

Files and presentations