
HerCity Weimar

Project information

submitted by
Lia Zinngrebe

Lisa Maßel

Prof. Dr. Steffen de Rudder, Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, Dipl. Psych. Alexandra Abel, Birgitte Bundesen Svarre

Degree programme:
Architektur (Master of Science (M.Sc.))


Project description

As aspiring female architects and urban planners, we aim to create livable spaces that are equally accessible to all residents.
For this reason, we examined gender-sensitive urban planning in our master's thesis and used Weimar as an example city. Based on the global HerCity initiative of the United Nations Habitat, we launched HerCity Weimar in the summer of 2021. In our participatory project, many interested young women got involved. We took a close look at Weimar's public spaces in city walks, collected gender-specific data, and shared our experiences and insights in discussion groups. In several workshops, we identified five fields of action for gender-sensitive urban planning in Weimar.

Open communication and harmonious cooperation were enormously important to us. Therefore, we built up an extensive network of urban actors, associations, and local initiatives. Through close exchange with the city of Weimar, we became aware that there is hardly any understanding of gender-sensitive urban planning. Therefore, our work focused on public relations and raising awareness for the topic. With our Instagram channel, the publication of our informative website, and the organization of numerous events for International Women's Day 2022, we raise awareness about gender-sensitive urban planning.


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