Analysis of the pores and the microstructure of cement using X-ray computer tomography combined with 3D scanning electron microscopy
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Project information
submitted by
Florian Kleiner
Florian Kleiner, Christiane Rößler, Christian Matthes
Christiane Rößler
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Degree programme:
– Other –
Type of project presentation
Winter semester 2019/20
Project description
The combination of two state-of-the-art analytical methods allows a deep insight into the pore structure of hardened cement over a large scale (millimetres to nanometres). And therefore, information about transport processes of media in concrete. Sub-µ X-ray computer tomography (Sub-µ X-ray CT) non-destructively radiates through test specimens of various sizes from the size of a pin head to drill cores with a diameter of 20 cm. However, the resolution is limited to about one µm³. To overcome the resolution limit also in the third dimension, a modern scanning electron microscope with a focused ion beam (SEM-FIB) can be used. This makes it possible to cut a cube with an edge length of 10 µm into thin slices. Afterwards, the microstructure can be digitally reproduced with a resolution of less than 5 x 5 x 10 nm and then evaluated.
Email: florian.kleiner[at]
Exhibition Location / Event Location
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