CO.RO.NA. – CONSCIOUS `ROUND NATIONS – a utopian seminar
Project information
submitted by
Julia Heinemann
Al-sawah Mamdouh;
Billeter Stefan;
Borzner Paula;
Deubener Clara;
Eichhorn Jessica;
Engelbrecht Lucian;
Frankenbach Peter;
Heitz Joscha Gerit;
Hock Jonathan Bernhard;
Iannone Nora;
Jung Elisabeth;
Kao Hsiao-Pei;
Krause Helene;
Künstler Michael;
Lauß Patricia;
Lindner Yannick;
Mashhadireza Amine;
Meyer zu Eppendorf Caroline;
Peters Jonathan;
Polec Denis;
Rickert Stefan;
Rolle Leon Calvin;
Scholz Stefan;
Steiner Johanne Iris Kyrilla;
Strauss Kai Thomas;
Taibert Xaver;
Tarigan Rika Saumi;
Tasdemir Yigit ;
Wallays Sander;
Ines Escherich;
Julia Heinemann
Julia Heinemann & Ines Escherich
Architecture and Urbanism,
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Art and Design,
– Other –
Degree programme:
Architecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Fine Art (Diploma),
Media Studies (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))
Type of project presentation
Research project
Summer semester 2020
attractive to children
Participation in the Bauhaus.Modules
Radio Lotte Weimar,
Kunstfest Weimar
Project description
CO.RO.NA. is a worldwide movement for the awareness of one's own responsibility in the global structure. In the wake of the epidemic caused by the Cororna virus, the movement is growing through the recognition that fundamental systematic changes, both small and large, are imminent.
We see the crisis as an opportunity to take the interrelationships seriously and derive the need for action.
The symbol, of the corona virus, stands both for the fragility of our individual and public health, and also as an opportunity to draw the right conclusions from events in order to emerge from the "disease" purified and strengthened. The "awareness around the nations" and the insight into the necessity of one's own actions can be just as contagious as a virus.
Become aware of your responsibility.
Let yourself be infected by healing activism & "Stecke an"!
About the "Corona - Semester", in an inter-faculty seminar with the title "CO.RO.NA. 27 students developed ideas and visions for a more conscious handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. This seminar is therefore the starting signal and part of a worldwide movement "CONSCIOUS `ROUND NATIONS" with the aim to replace paralyzing fear of the future with visions, courage and creativity. We want to sketch out our future and paint it in the most beautiful colours to make it worthwhile and thus explorable. Instagram: conscious`roundnations
Email: julia.heinemann[at]
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Exhibition Location / Event Location
- Erfurter Straße 39 - Alte Feuerwache, Kunstfest Theaterplatz / Niketempel (Radio Lotte)