Virtual Excursions | ‘Neues Bauen am Horn’
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Project information
submitted by
Florian Wehking
Florian Wehking, Mario Wolf, Heinrich Söbke, Prof. Jörg Londong
Prof. Jörg Londong, Prof. Christian Springer, Mario Wolf, Heinrich Söbke, Florian Wehking
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Degree programme:
Environmental Engineering (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Type of project presentation
Research project
Summer semester 2020
BMBF - AuCity2
Sonderfonds „Digitalisierung in der Lehre“
FH Erfurt
Project description
In the summer semester of 2020, as part of the BMBF-funded project ‘AuCity2’ in cooperation with the special fund ‘Digitalisierung in der Lehre’, we intensified our efforts to digitize and process the teaching content of excursions that would otherwise take place on site.
One of these excursions is the tour ‘Neues Bauen am Horn’, in which students of urban water management create a plan for rainwater management on the basis of a site inspection. To virtualize this tour as effectively as possible, we used stereoscopic 360° photographs. With the help of annotations, information is highlighted in the 360° photographs - which can be accessed via a website and can be used like Google Street View. At the same time, students learn content with the help of quiz questions during the virtual walk.
In addition to the desktops application, it is also possible to use it with Google Cardboard and VR glasses (in 3D), as shown in the example video. Initial findings on learning success and applicability have already been obtained in a study conducted in cooperation with FH Erfurt.
You can get a brief insight into the application here:
Email: florian.wehking[at]
Exhibition Location / Event Location
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