Block Cipher Design

The chair deals with both the analysis and design of block ciphers. With "Pholkos", a so-called tweakable block cipher was developed that can work with up to 512-bit message blocks and is based on AES-like structures. Tweakable block ciphers could be an important building block for post-quantum secure symmetric systems in the future.

Selected publications on this topic:

Bossert, J., List, E., Lucks, S., & Schmitz, S. (2022, January). Pholkos–efficient large-state tweakable block ciphers from the AES round function. In Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference (pp. 511-536). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [Link].

Banik, S., Bossert, J., Jana, A., List, E., Lucks, S., Meier, W., ... & Sasaki, Y. (2019). Cryptanalysis of forkaes. In Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 17th International Conference, ACNS 2019, Bogota, Colombia, June 5–7, 2019, Proceedings 17 (pp. 43-63). Springer International Publishing [Link].

Forler, C., List, E., Lucks, S., & Wenzel, J. (2018). Poex: a beyond-birthday-bound-secure on-line cipher. Cryptography and Communications, 10, 177-193 [Link].