Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst-Michael Ludwig

July 2021 marked the 60th anniversary of the death of Friedrich August Finger, whose name our institute proudly bears.

He was one of the greatest personalities who established building materials science as a science and as a required course of study, and today in particular we see the need to rethink approaches to building materials in order to shape the necessary change towards more efficient building materials and lower primary energy requirements in their production.

F. A. Finger achieved through his work at that time that Weimar is still known worldwide as a location for successful building materials research and training. As an institute, we are aware of this claim and keep his memory alive with top building materials research and interesting student training.

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The F. A. Finger Institute for Building Material Science includes the following chairs:

Chair of Building Materials (Professur Werkstoffe des Bauens)
Chair of Construction Chemistry and Polymer Materials (Professur Bauchemie und Polymere Werkstoffe)
Chair of Mechanics of Engineering Materials (Juniorprofessur Werkstoffmechanik)