
Published: 13 October 2023

ProTELC: Conclusion and impressions of Science Camp »RoboBau 2023«

As part of the ‘Studying Successfully’ phase in the Allianz Thüringer Ingenieurwissenschaften project – ProTELC, the RoboBau 2023 Science Camp for master students in Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences (HSM) in cooperation with the Chair of Advanced Structures at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar finished on 29th of September 2023. The camp provided the participants with a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application.

The camp started with a welcome from Vice president Prof. Dr. Hettler of Hochschule Schmalkalden. The students were then given a tour of the university labs. The camp challenge was introduced by Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Abrahamczyk from Bauhaus-University Weimar (BUW), where the participants need to design and 3D print a bridge from multiple components and then assemble it by a robotic arm. Motion cameras are also to be used to identify different components and determine their position and orientation. The participants were divided into multiple teams with students from varied academic backgrounds. 

In addition to the hands-on experience, the camp included the following supporting lectures:A guest lecture from Professor László Dunai from Budapest University of Technology and Economics to give the students insights on bridge structural systems and design principles.From HSM, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietzel conducted a crash course in Computer Aided Design (CAD), Prof. Seichter, PhD, introduced students to Python programming and image processing, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schrödel introduced the participants to robotic arms and their programming.M.Sc. Melad Haweyou from BUW provided guidance on bridge component design and 3D printing.

In addition, a visit to Mehnert Experts for Special Machines 4.0" was organized. Philipp Rosenkranz, a Robots programmer, showcased various robotic arm applications and sensors used for different projects in the company. Additionally,  product designer Michael Rieke introduced the students to E-TERRY, an autonomous robot used in the vegetable growing sector. Mr. Hornbogen from Adtran Networks SE also delivered a guest lecture, offering insights into the company's projects and robotic arm applications. These sessions provided students with networking opportunities within the Thüringia industry.

Beyond academic and practical sessions, the camp also incorporated social and sports activities, including a dinner event, volleyball and table tennis.

The camp concluded with a competition between the different teams, with an evaluation committee comprising Prof. Frank Schrödel from HSM, Professor Abrahamczyk, Lissethe González, and Melad Haweyou from BUW, and Prof. Frank Dienerowitz from Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena. Teams showcased their bridge designs, demonstrated assembly using robotic arms, and highlighted the use of motion cameras. Each bridge was then weighed and tested for weight-bearing capacity. The most creative bridge design was chosen by participant vote, followed by a ceremony to celebrate the winning team and give certificates to the participants.

The Science Camp is made possible through the support of the Allianz Thüringer Ingenieurwissenschaften project - ProTELC. Efforts from Ms. Miriam Naujoks and Ms. Frederike Mohr from HSM to organize the Science Camp are highly appreciated, as well as the robotic supporting team from HSM.